Direct route – Bachelor’s Degree in Music


Candidates may apply to the Bachelor’s degree in Music if:

  • They hold a secondary education course or legal equivalent;
  • They have obtained a grade of at least 95 in one of the following admission exams in higher education: Portuguese, History, History of Culture and the Fine Arts, English, Mathematics or Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences;
  • They do not hold a higher education course.

Candidates must pass the Vocational Aptitude Test (PAVE) .


Applications must be submitted online using the appropriate form. You will, however, first be required to register on the website.

Step 1:  Register here .
Step 2:  Fill in the application form here .

If you are applying for a degree in Music, you must register in advance for the Vocational Aptitude Test (PAVE) , indicating the route through which you wish to apply and the branch and instrument in which you with to take the PAVE. You can register in up to three branches/instruments.
When you register for the PAVE, you must submit the following documents  in electronic format:

  • A document that demonstrates that the candidate has registered in or passed at least one of the following national exams: Portuguese, History, History of Culture and Fine Arts, Mathematics, Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences, or English;
  • A document confirming that you have attended or completed secondary education or legal equivalent qualification;
  • If you are a national of a non-EU country, a document confirming that you do not have international student status, but fall under one of the criteria to which such status does not apply.

If you are applying for the direct route for a degree in Music, you must register in advance and pass the Vocational Aptitude Test (PAVE) . You will automatically be considered for this route if you have indicated this in your PAVE application. However, the application must be validated and you must submit the ENES form within the time frame for applying through the Direct Route.

The documents relating to qualifications not conferred by UÉ, required to instruct the application, are subject to authentication by the candidates who will be enrolled in the course to which they applied. For such purpose, the respective original documents must be presented at the Academic Service  of the UÉ, within thirty consecutive days after the enrolment has been effected. Alternatively, the document may be sent by post, authenticated by institutions certified for that purpose (Post Offices, Notaries, Lawyers, Solicitors, Registry Offices, Parish Councils, Chambers of Commerce and Industry), in accordance with article 38 of Decree-Law 76-A/2006, of 29 May.

If the documents referred to above are not written in Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French or English, it will also be necessary to present a translation done by a translator recognised by the Portuguese diplomatic representation or a translation certified by a notary.

Until the documents are authenticated the student will not be issued with a proof of enrolment, certificate of results or certification document.

Students who do not proceed according to the above mentioned deadlines and procedures will have their admission and enrolment cancelled.

The information on this page does not replace the need to read the regulations in force  on this matter.



Single Phase  

Registration for PAVE : 13/Mar/2024 to 15May/2024

Test dates : 27/May/2024 to 31/May/2024

Test results : by 21/June/2024



Single Phase  

Applications : 12/July/2024 to 26/Jul/2024

Results : by 9/Aug/2024

Enrollment : 9/Aug/2024 to 19/Aug/2024

Results after redistribution of vacancies by instrument, if applicable : by 28/Aug/2024

Enrollment after redistribution of vacancies by instrument, if applicable : 28/Aug/2024 to 30/Aug/2024



See course details for information on places available


You must have registered in and passed the Vocational Aptitude Test (PAVE) .



For more information, visit SAC.ONLINE , the Academic Services Student Online Help Desk.

Click here  for information and contact information of the Academic Services Department’s office hours.