Language Certification - Exam Centre


Portuguese language proficiency is certified by the Portuguese as a Foreign Language Assessment Centre - CAPLE Exams, which are only open to foreign nationals, are recognised for the purposes of studying, pursing an academic career, employment or even Portuguese nationality by different national and foreign entities and institutions.

The Portuguese as a Foreign Language Assessment Centre (CAPLE) has been an Organic Unit of the University of Lisbon’s School of Arts and Humanities since 31 March 2015. It has scientific autonomy and focuses its activity on evaluating and certifying proficiency in Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PLE).

The Centre's new statutes allow PLE evaluation and certification to be a more comprehensive, inclusive and participatory process.

The University of Évora has been a Location for Application and Promotion of Examinations (LAPE) since 2015.

CAPLE PLE exams may be taken by those whose native language is not Portuguese and who wish to provide proof of their competence in the Portuguese language for educational, professional or other purposes, in accordance with the terms recognised by each certificate or diploma.

People over the age of 16 who believe they are ready to take their chosen PLE exam may apply for the exams, irrespective of how and where they learned the language.



  • CIPLE – Initial Certificate of Portuguese as a Foreign Language |EPLE – Elementary Diploma in Portuguese as a Foreign Language
  • DIPLE – Intermediate Diploma in Portuguese as a Foreign Language
  • DAPLE – Advanced Diploma in Portuguese as a Foreign Language
  • DUPLE – University Diploma in Portuguese as a Foreign Language


LAPE Coordinator – Location for Application and Promotion of Examinations

  • Prof. Ana Alexandra Silva
    Department of Linguistics and Literature - School of Social Sciences
