Túlio Espanca Popular University

Universidade Popular Túlio Espanca

The University of Évora is aware of its social responsibility in its area of intervention – the Alentejo. Through the Túlio Espanca  Popular University , it aims at contributing to the scientific, cultural and technical training of the communities of Alentejo, promoting educational mechanisms conducive to lifelong learning styles that foster and strengthen the love for learning.

The TúlioEspanca Popular University, consistent with the objectives laid down in itsstatutes, aims at achieving the UÉvora’s mission, especially as regards theproduction and dissemination of knowledge in scientific areas related to theactivity it proposes to carry out and the provision of services to thecommunity.

One of thepriorities of the Túlio Espanca  PopularUniversity  is to establish protocols with local and regionalinstitutions , with a view to pursuing its activities and involvingthe UÉvora in the implementation of training activities promoted by the civilsociety, through its representative bodies.

The geographicalreach of the Túlio Espanca  Popular University’s  activity isdetermined by the region in which it is located – the Alentejo .  It provides scientific andpedagogical services to the population residing therein, using informaltraining mechanisms designed and implemented in articulation with localinstitutions that serve as lifelong learning instruments.


The Túlio Espanca  Popular University  favours the use of trainingmechanisms designed and implemented through non-formal educational approaches, i.e.,not leading to formal certification with school and/or vocational recognition. Thisuniversity offers the population learning opportunities structured around fivedifferent types of learning:

  • Discretionary learning course opportunities:  formal learning activities provided by the University of Évora to the population, as part of its regular training offer. These activities are defined in advance by the teachers responsible for the respective course units and announced in due time, under the educational project of the Túlio Espanca  Popular University , for each academic year.
  •  Short courses : short term learning opportunities designed and implemented according to individual or institutional needs and interests and adapted to the existing resources at the University of Évora and partner institutions, if any.
  •  Standalone activities:  one-off learning opportunities that can take various forms: lectures, conferences, seminars, round-tables, etc.).
  •  Study visits : As a learning opportunity, a study visit means a short-term visit made by participants to study a particular aspect of learning. They can take place within or outside the University of Évora.
  • Other formats : There may be other learning arrangements organised differently in time and format, whenever the circumstances so require and conditions allow.

Goals for Sustainable Development



Universidade Popular Túlio Espanca
Universidade de Évora
Colégio Pedro da Fonseca

Email: utulioespanca@uevora.pt