
The increase in competitiveness imposes increasing standards of quality demands to all stakeholders. Quality must always be present in the performance of citizens and institutions, with Universities owning particular responsibility.

The University of Évora guides its action by promoting assessment, quality and continuous improvement in all aspects of its intervention: teaching, research, innovation, entrepreneurship and collaboration with the community. The quality policy is based on the principles of continuous improvement, on the collaborative resolution of problems with the participation of interested parties and on the permanent construction of a culture of quality.
The concern with quality has a long history at the University of Évora. In 2006, the Dean's Office for Quality Policy was created with the objective of promoting, monitoring and supporting quality improvement initiatives and coordinating the evaluation and accreditation processes of courses and the adaptation of courses according to the guidelines of the process of Bologna. In 2007 the Program for the Institutional Promotion of Quality at the University of Évora  was created. This program was revised in 2011, adapting the Internal Quality Assurance System to the A3ES benchmarks. It was with this Quality Manual that UÉ submitted its Internal Quality Assurance System for certification by A3ES in 2012, and the Manual was revised in 2014 and 2015. The Internal Quality Assurance System certification externally confirmed the importance that the system already had internally and allowed for the consolidation of the culture of quality in UÉvora. Recognition of the strategic importance of Quality led to the creation, in 2018, of a Vice-Dean responsible for Quality. In 2019, Internal Quality Assurance System was again certified by A3ES.