Student Support Programmes
The Student Integration and Support Division (DIAE) offers several programmes and is responsible for onboarding, informing and supporting all students at the University of Évora to help make their integration into the University smoother and to help them resolve any issues they may have along the way, thereby contributing towards their academic success. The DIAE provides support to students with learning support needs, offers psychological support, helps student workers, onboard and supports international students, arranges soft skills development seminars and manages the volunteer programmes.
Psychological support, guidance for study strategies in learning methods and academic success, and counselling in times of crisis and when facing obstacles related to, for example, school integration or underachievement.
Requests for scheduling a session with the DIAE psychologist must be sent by e-mail to .
The emergency situation resulting from the COVID 19 pandemic forced changes in students’ routines, namely in access to education, which was transformed during this period into online classes. Considering that not all students would be able to access classes and carry out the respective work and assessments, the University of Évora (UÉ) provided, on loan, computer equipment to students who, upon justification of need, formalize the request with the Student Integration and Support Division (DIAE).
Having reversed these last years, based on experience and having recovered presencial teaching, it has become urgent to define some criteria for the allocation of computer equipment, a measure that was considered to be maintained, as it is extremely important for the academic success of students who, for properly substantiated reasons, still present this need.
Pursuant to the provisions of paragraph n) of the nº1 of the article 23º of the Statutes of the University of Évora, ratified by Normative Order No. 7/2021, published in the Diário da República, 2ª series, nº 30, of 12 February 2021, after hearing the Computer Services, the Academic Services, the Social Services and the Academic Association, was put into effect the “Regulation for the attribution of computer equipment to students” .
Equity in education to ensure integration in all spheres of society. Onboarding interview and assessment of the clinical process together with UÉ faculty members and departments, thereby ensuring psycho-pedagogical support.
Please submit your application for Student with Learning Support status and hand in the required documents in person at the DIAE.
The Inclusion Resource Centre (CRI) of the UÉ General Library, in close collaboration with the Student Integration and Support Division (DIAE), aims at contributing to academic success through integrated support for students with special educational needs.
More information:
Support for student workers during their academic journey, with the submission, mediation and follow-up of academic processes.
Students with student worker status may request assistance in the analysis of academic procedures from the Student Integration and Support Division (DIAE) in person (on Fridays until 7pm, by prior appointment) or by sending an e-mail to for processes in which the Office is able to provide support.
MAIS UÉ is a project by Student Integration and Support Division (DIAE) , winner of the 2nd edition of the prize organised by FLAD (Fundação Luso Americana) and OPP (Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses). This project integrates the program’s panel of winners and its main goal is to promote the psychological well-being, mental health and resilience of students at the University of Évora, through peer-to-peer education and the dissemination of psychological health literacy and emotional regulation strategies. The aim of this project is to encourage student involvement in peer-to-peer education; promote the development of emotional regulation and self-knowledge skills; provide students with strategies that promote autonomy in the daily management of anxiety levels; promote resilience; increase or contribute for the acquisition of knowledge regarding Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) and, cumulatively, promote inclusion and academic success.
The following activities are an integral part of this project:
Group mentoring between peers, aiming to stimulate the diversification of student participation in higher education and contribute to the academic success of students. This cycle of gatherings was prepared and is organized in partnership with the Academic Association of the University of Évora (AAUE). Its main goal is to promote debate and reflection among students on current and extremely relevant topics in society and academia.
Debate and reflection are expected upon topics such as the promotion of mental health, sustainability, gender issues, student participation, employability, dating/intimate relationships, sexual education, inclusion, disability and multiculturalism in the University context.
This activity involves student volunteers in the production of podcasts (medium 15 minutes length) where each podcast has an underlying theme of interest to the student comunity, related to the promotion of well-being and mental health, through a conversation with the volunteer or between volunteers. These conversations are conducted to address, in a relaxed way and with accessible language, themes that meet the different needs of students and, in some of them, suggesting strategies and possible solutions or paths to solving different problems.
These topics include: Stress and anxiety management; Management and organization of personal and academic time; Entrepreneurship; Volunteering; Self-care and well-being; Resilience; Emotional regulation; Inclusion and Diversity.
PONTO D’APOIO – Peer mentoring
Aimed at students with specific needs (SN – Disability, PALOP, psychopathologies, etc.), in the academic, physical, and/or emotional sphere, who experience some level of academic failure. Student mentors are recruited and integrated using the UÉvora Volunteer Scholarship. Mentors go through a specific training process for mentoring tasks, using guidance from teachers.
Academic Coaching for Anxiety and Emotional Regulation - “Isto são os nervos”
Utilizing a dynamic peer-to-peer cognitive-behavioural method, a first group of student volunteers will be trained in the intervention. A cascade model of student training will be used aiming to develop students’ skills. Using active dynamics to promote assertiveness skills, group discussion, and relaxation and breathing exercises, the aim is to provide university students with strategies for regulating stress in their daily lives and reduce symptoms associated with anxiety disorders.
Academic Coaching for Sexual and Reproductive Health - “Bula da intimidade”
Peer-to-peer sessions about Sexual and Reproductive Health, using active, interrogative and expository dynamics, to promote students’ knowledge about sexuality, consent, sexually transmitted infections, contraceptive methods, gender and sexual orientation, affections and emotion, violence in intimate relationships, sexuality on the web, assertiveness and negotiation skills.
Development of different activities open to the student community that encourage the adoption of an active and healthy lifestyle (walks, running, relaxation sessions, bike rides, nutrition and nutrition workshops, sleep regulation, screenings, etc.)
In partnership with the School of Arts, develop artistic expression workshops (plastic arts, musical and theatrical) open to the student community. Each workshop will have an underlying theme related to psychological health and seeks to appeal to emotional expression and the creation of relationship networks between participants.
The following workshops are foreseen:
- Photography Workshop – Emotions in Perspective
- Plastic Arts Workshop – I feel…
- Music Workshop (rhythmic and percussion) – When should we listen to our body?
- Theatre Workshop – What about when I feel lonely, even when surrounded by people?
Internal: SEC-PSI, GABIGUAL, ESESJD-UÉ, AAUÉ, SASUÉ, ESDH-UÉ, USE, EA-UÉ; ECT;ECS; Núcleos de estudantes, Liga de estudantes africanos e núcleos das Residências Universitárias;
External: APF, ARS Alentejo, PSP, SEF, CRI, Fundação Eugénio de Almeida, IPDJ, Câmara Municipal de Évora, MetAlentejo, NAV (Cáritas), among others.
Highlighting the importance of student involvement in the organization and promotion of the proposed activities.
Support for all foreign students in their first year to help them integrate into the University, the city and the country, in collaboration with the Academic Association, Erasmus Student Network, other student associations or groups, and the UÉ services and departments.
Foreign students will be provided information on how to register on the platform when enrolling.
Any difficulty within the scope of the students' academic path can be reported to the e-mail, which quickly forwards it to the responsible services and guarantees a quick response. The program also includes the annual series of seminars “CONTA CONNOSCO”, on topics related to the acquisition of skills, strategies and study methods, planning, organization and time management, bibliographical research and support for the preparation of academic works, financial education, dependencies and healthy living habits and preparation for the world of work.
The issue of school dropout is multidimensional and transversal to the various Higher Education Institutions, but it raises specific challenges in Universities located in the interior of the country and/or smaller ones. In this sequence, an exhaustive study was carried out, which took place over a year, by a multidisciplinary team of researchers and technicians from the University of Évora, to identify the causes of school dropout in the UÉ, having identified measures aimed at 4 main areas of intervention: # 1. To listen; #two. To clarify; #3. Advise and #4. Support
- “School Dropouts in Higher Education - Case Study at the University of Évora (Report)” (download PDF )
- “The School Dropout in Higher Education - Case Study at the University of Évora (Report)" (available for on-line reading, flip book format )
- Full session of the Case Study results presentation at UÉ (watch on youtube )
Conta Connosco Programme - 9 Edition (more )
Volunteer project that aims to support all foreign students who enter the University of Évora, in the integration process at the University, in the city and in the country, in conjunction with the Academic Association, Erasmus Student Network, other associations or student groups and Services of the University of Évora.
Upon registration, the foreign student will be notified how to proceed if he/she intends to register on the platform.
This program allows the collaboration of students of the University of Évora, on a part-time basis, in occasional activities within the scope of University initiatives (seminars, fairs, exhibitions), in exchange for a school allowance. For enrolment the student must fill in the online application. In case of recruitment, the student will be informed of the amount to be received, the dates, schedules and structure where he/she will perform functions.
The tutoring system assigns a tutor to students who request one, providing them support throughout their academic journey, in particular by focusing on their adjustment to and integration in university life and their academic success.
Each year, students may apply to the tutoring system through the SIIUE from the beginning of the academic year and up to 30 April. The tutors, who are faculty members that offer their time to help students, are recommended by the Course Director and appointed by the Department Director who oversees the department of which the tutor is a part. Students are then informed of who has been assigned as their tutor and their respective contact information.
Initial contact must be initiated by the student and within two weeks from the date on which they receive notification. At least one to three meetings per semester must be held, scheduled by mutual agreement.
Management of all claims and all issues related with school insurance, providing information and explanation to the Insurance Company, students and the bodies of the University of Évora.
All students registered and enrolled in the University of Évora are covered by school insurance, which may be extended to academic and non-academic staff and to individuals who are conducting ongoing research activities on the University’s premises or other facilities used for such purpose when travelling in the country or abroad. Graduates are also covered by the insurance for a period of one year after completing their studies.
Anyone from the UÉ Academic Community - students, former students, researchers, workers, retired workers and pensioners - interested in contributing their time and skills, can register for the Volunteering Program and take part in projects, programs or other forms of intervention aimed atresponding to individual, institutional or general academic community needs, carried out on a non-profit basis. Volunteering activities can be carried out at the UÉ or at any other institution with which an agreement has been reached
More informations SAC.ONLINE ,
Student Integration and Support Division
St. Augustine Building
Street of Duques de Cadaval
7000-883 Évora
+351 266 760 220