Rui Paulo Vasco Salgado
Full Professor (Department of Physics)
Employment contract in public functions indefinitely
Doctoral Degree: Física/Física da Atmosfera (Universidade de Évora - 2006)
Master Degree: Ciências Geofísicas - ramo meteorologia/Física (Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa - 1996)
Bachelor's Degree: Ciências Geofísicas - ramo meteorologia/Física (Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa - 1992)
Department of Physics Assembly (Member)
CREATE - Center for Sci-Tech Research in Earth System and Energy (Integrated Member with doctorate)
Evaluation Coordinating Committee (Member)
Comissão de Curso da Licenciatura em Ciências da Terra e da Atmosfera (Deputy)
Scientific Council of School of Science and Technology (Advisor)
Scientific Council (Membro)
Conselho Coordenador do Instituto de Investigação e Formação Avançada (President)
Conselho Coordenador (Representative of Organizational Unit)
Direção de Curso do Formação Contínua em Competências Transversais de 3º Ciclo (Director)
Institute for Research and Advanced Training (Director)
Academic Senate (Representative of Organizational Unit)
acrónimo: FIREPOCTEP +
em curso até 31/12/2026
Fundação la Caixa
acrónimo: INCOME
em curso até 30/09/2026
Comissão Europeia
acrónimo: EU GREEN
em curso até 31/12/2026
Comissão Europeia
acrónimo: Water4All
em curso até 31/05/2029
finished in 30/09/2021
acrónimo: FIREPOCTEP
finished in 31/12/2022
Comissão Europeia
acrónimo: ATMO-ACCESS
em curso até 31/03/2025
finished in 14/03/2024
acrónimo: CILIFO
finished in 31/12/2021
Portugal 2020
acrónimo: LEADING
finished in 31/05/2022
Portugal 2020
,Portugal 2020
acrónimo: AdaptAlentejo
finished in 28/02/2022
Portugal 2020
acrónimo: DNI-ALENTEJO
finished in 31/12/2019
Portugal 2020
acrónimo: ALOP
finished in 31/12/2019
finished in 30/09/2015
finished in 31/03/2015
finished in 30/06/2012
finished in 01/10/2010
finished in 31/12/2011
7. Conceiçao, R., H. G. Silva, A. Bennett, R. Salgado, D. Bortoli, M. J. Costa, and M. Collares Pereira, 2018: High-frequency response of the atmospheric electric potential gradient under strong and dry boundary-layer convection, Bound.-Layer. Meteor. 166,69-81, doi: 10.1007/s10546-017-0298-2
Iakunin, M., Salgado, R., and Potes, M., 2018: Breeze effects at a large artificial lake: summer case study. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 22, 5191-5210,
Potes, M., G. Rodrigues, A. Penha, M. H. Novais, M. J. Costa, R. Salgado, and M. M. Morais, 2018: Use of Sentinel 2 - MSI for water quality monitoring at Alqueva reservoir, Portugal. Proc. IAHS, 380, 73-79, 2018.
Francis M. Lopes, Hugo G. Silva, Rui Salgado, Afonso Cavaco, Paulo Canhoto, Manuel Collares-Pereira, Short-term forecasts of GHI and DNI for solar energy systems operation: assessment of the ECMWF integrated forecasting system in southern Portugal, Solar Energy 170 (2018) 14-30
K.A. Nicoll, R.G. Harrison, H.G. Silva, R. Salgado, M. Melgâo, D. Bortoli, Electrical sensing of the dynamical structure of the planetary boundary layer, Atmospheric Research, 202, 81-95,
Morais M., Penha A., Novais M.H., Potes M. & Salgado R. (2017). Metodologias inovadoras para a previsão da qualidade ecológica em reservatórios (Alqueva, Sul de Portugal). REDE - Revista Eletrônica do PRODEMA 11: 68-78
Conceição, R., H. G. Silva, A. Bennett, R. Salgado, D. Bortoli, M. J. Costa, M. Collares Pereira, 2017, High Frequency response of the Atmospheric Electric Potential Gradient under Strong and Dry Boundary Layer Convection. Boundary-Layer Meteorol. DOI: 10.1007/s10546-017-0298-2.
Perdigão, J., R. Salgado, C. Magarreiro, P. M. M. Soares, M. Costa, H. Prasad Dasari, 2017, An Iberian climatology of solar radiation obtained from WRF regional climate simulations for 1950-2010 period. Atmospheric Research. Volume 198, 1 December 2017, Pages 151-162.
Policarpo, C., R. Salgado, and M. J. Costa, 2017: Numerical Simulations of Fog Events in Southern Portugal. Advances in Meteorology. Volume 2017, Article ID 1276784, 16 pages. Doi: 10.1155/2017/1276784
Potes, M., R. Salgado, M. J. Costa, M. Morais, D. Bortoli, I. Kostadinov & I. Mammarella (2017) Lake -atmosphere interactions at Alqueva reservoir: a case study in the summer of 2014, Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 69:1, 1272787. DOI: 10.1080/16000870.2016.1272787
Lopes, F., Silva, H., Salgado, R., Potes, M., Nicoll, K., & Harrison, R. (2016). Atmospheric electrical field measurements near a fresh water reservoir and the formation of the lake breeze. Tellus A, 68. doi:
3. Kulkarni, P. S., Dasari, H. P., Sharma A., Bortoli D., Salgado, R., Silva, A. M. (2016) Nocturnal surface ozone enhancement over Portugal during winter: Influence of different atmospheric conditions. Atmospheric Environment, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.09.056.
Perdigão, J.C., Salgado, R.,Costa, M.J.,Dasari, H.P. and Sanchez-Lorenzo, 2016:Variability and trends of downward surface global solar radiation over the Iberian Peninsula based on ERA-40 reanalysis. Int. J. Climatol. 36: 3917-3933 (2016). DOI: 10.1002/joc.4603
Couto, F. T., Ducrocq, V., Salgado, R., Costa, M. J., 2016: Understanding significant precipitation in Madeira island. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. (2016) DOI:10.1002/qj.2918
Dasari, H. P. and Salgado, R., 2015: Numerical modelling of heavy rainfall event over Madeira Island in Portugal: sensitivity to different micro physical processes. Met. Apps, 22(1), 113-127. doi: 10.1002/met.1375.
Salgado, R., Miranda, P.M.A., Lacarrère, P. and Noilhan, J., 2015. Boundary layer development and summer circulation in Southern Portugal. Tethys, 12, doi: 10.3369/tethys.2015.12.03
* For more publications, perform a search by author name on Digital Repository of Scientific Publications of UÉ.