Observation, prediction and alert systems in atmosphere and in water reservoirs of Alentejo
- Universidade de Évora(líder)
- Escola Superior Agrária de Beja (ESAB/IPBeja)(parceiro)
This operation aims to develop multi functional activities in the field of interactions between atmosphere, water and ecosystems, covering observation, forecasting and risk alert. It Intends to develop, in an integrated way, observation, forecasting and warning tools in the fields of meteorology and water (quantity and quality) at regional level with the objectives of:
(i) Improve knowledge of the state of the atmosphere and reservoirs in the region with special emphasis on the study about Alqueva - the strategic water reservoir of Alentejo;
(ii) improve the prediction of the evolution of the atmosphere and its impact on the quantity and quality of water in people life and economic activities;
(iii) test, develop and apply models that can predict the amount of water and the evolution of biological and chemistry water quality in lakes, with application on the management of water resources;
(iv) Understand and model the water, energy and carbon (CO2 and CH4) fluxes in the interface fresh water / atmosphere;
(v) evaluate the effects of global warming on the quantity and quality of water (ecological and chemical quality quality);
(vi) Identify and test technologies for rapid assessment of potential risk situations;
(vii) propose strategies for dissemination of information to local / regional stakeholders and in general to the local population.
The project is structured in four technical / scientific tasks and a5th for dissemination of results. In this context it is intended to create a platform for information and data sharing.