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Marta Laranjo

Assistant Professor (Department of Veterinary Medicine)

Employment contract in public functions indefinitely

Doctoral Degree: Biologia (Universidade de Évora - 2007)
Bachelor's Degree: Biologia Microbiana e Genética/Biologia (Faculdade de Ciências de Lisboa - 1998)
Ethics Committee of University of Évora (Member)
MED - Institute of Mediterranean Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (Integrated Member with doctorate)
Biologia Molecular
Microbiologia Médica
Microbiologia Alimentar

MED-Food Science and Technology Group

acrónimo: TID4AGRO
em curso até 31/12/2026
PD23-00025 / Fundação “la Caixa” ,FCT
em curso até 30/11/2026
PRR-C05-i03-I-000152 / PRR - Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência
acrónimo: DM4YOU
em curso até 30/09/2025
PRR-C05-i03-I-000066 / PRR - Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência
acrónimo: SUMO
em curso até 30/09/2025
101074412 / LIFE
em curso até 30/09/2025
CA20128 / Comissão Europeia
acrónimo: PIMENTO
em curso até 07/11/2025
POCI-01-0247-FEDER-072109 / Portugal 2020 ,Portugal 2020 ,Portugal 2020
acrónimo: ICAPP
finished in 30/06/2023
ALT20-03-0145-FEDER-072547 / Portugal 2020 ,Portugal 2020 ,Portugal 2020
acrónimo: ARCO
finished in 30/06/2023
618518-EPP-1-2020-1-PT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP / Comissão Europeia
acrónimo: FoSaMed
finished in 14/01/2024
POCI-02-0853-FEDER-046425 / Portugal 2020
acrónimo: S4AGRO
finished in 01/04/2022
PDR2020-101-031373 / Portugal 2020
finished in 31/12/2021
POCI-02-0853-FEDER-016159 / Portugal 2020 ,Portugal 2020
acrónimo: +Agro
finished in 31/08/2018
SFS-07a-2014 -634476 / Comissão Europeia
acrónimo: TREASURE
finished in 31/03/2019
finished in 31/08/2014
Dias, I.; Laranjo, M.; Potes, M.E.; Agulheiro-Santos, A.C.; Ricardo-Rodrigues, S.; Fraqueza, M.J.; Oliveira, M.; Elias, M. Staphylococcus spp. and Lactobacillus sakei Starters with High Level of Inoculation and an Extended Fermentation Step Improve Safety of Fermented Sausages. Fermentation 2022, 8, 49.
Maria João Fraqueza, Marta Laranjo, Miguel Elias, & Luís Patarata (2021) "Microbiological hazards associated to salt and nitrite reduction in cured meat products: control strategies based on antimicrobial effect of natural ingredients and protective microbiota." Current Opinion in Food Science, 40, 32-39.
Laranjo, M., Córdoba, MdeG., Semedo-Lemsaddek, T., Potes, M.E. - 2021 - Food Microbiology - Editorial BioMed Research International. Volume 2021, Article ID 9785432, 2 pages
Dias, I.; Laranjo, M.; Potes, M.E.; Agulheiro-Santos, A.C.; Ricardo-Rodrigues, S.; Fialho, A.R.; Véstia, J.; Fraqueza, M.J.; Oliveira, M.; Elias, M. Co-Inoculation with Staphylococcus equorum and Lactobacillus sakei Reduces Vasoactive Biogenic Amines in Traditional Dry-Cured Sausages. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 7100.
Albuquerque, A.; C. Óvilo; Y. Núñez; R. Benítez; A. López-Garcia; F. García; M.R. Félix; M, Laranjo; R. Charneca; J.M. Martins (2021). Transcriptomic profiling of skeletal muscle reveals candidate genes influencing muscle growth and associated lipid composition in Portuguese local pig breeds. Animals, 11(5) 1423.
Andrade, N.C., Laranjo, M., Costa, M.M, Queiroga, M.C. (2021). Virulence factors in Staphylococcus associated with small ruminant mastitis: biofilm production and antimicrobial resistance genes. Antibiotics,10 (6): 633. DOI: https://
Elias, M., Laranjo, M., Agulheiro-Santos, A.C., Potes, M.E., Carrascosa, A.- 2020 - Quality of nonmeat ingredients used in the manufacturing of traditional dry-cured pork sausages. J.Food Process. Preserv.2021;00:e15213.
Dias, I., Laranjo, M., Potes, M.E., Agulheiro-Santos, A.C., Ricardo-Rodrigues, S., Fialho, A.R., Véstia, J., Fraqueza, M.J., Oliveira, M., Elias, M. - 2020 - Autochthonous starter cultures are able to reduce biogenic amines in a traditional portuguese smoked fermented sausage. Microorganisms, 8, 686, 19pp.
Albuquerque, A.; C. Óvilo; Y. Núñez; R. Benítez; A. Lopez-Garcia; F. Garcia; M.R. Félix; M. Laranjo; R. Charneca; J.M. Martins (2020). Comparative transcriptomic analysis of subcutaneous adipose tissue from local pig breeds. Genes, 11(4) 422.
Elias, M., Laranjo, M., Potes, M.E., Agulheiro-Santos, A.C., Fernandes, M.J., Garcia, R., Fraqueza, M.J. - 2020 - Impact of a 25% salt reduction on the microbial load, texture, and sensory attributes of a traditional dry-cured sausage. Foods, 9 (554) 11 pages.
Fraqueza, M.J., Laranjo, M., Alves, S., Fernandes, M.H., Agulheiro-Santos, A.C., Fernandes, M.J., Potes, M.E., Elias, M.- 2020 - Dry?Cured Meat Products According to the Smoking Regime: Process Optimization to Control Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Foods 9, 91.
Ricardo-Rodrigues, S., Laranjo, M., Coelho, R., Martins, P., Rato, A. E., Vaz, M., ? Agulheiro-Santos, A. C. (2019). Terroir influence on quality of 'Crimson' table grapes. Scientia Horticulturae, 245, 244-249.
Marta Laranjo, Maria Eduarda Potes, Joana Véstia, Sara Rodrigues, Ana Cristina Agulheiro-Santos, Rui Charneca, Miguel Elias. (2019). Effet du génotype et de la teneur en sel sur la qualité des saucisses traditionnelles portugaises. Journées Recherche Porcine, 51, 241-242.
Albuquerque, A.; C. Óvilo; Y. Núñez; R. Benítez; A. Lopéz-García; J. Ballesteros; F. García; M. Laranjo; R. Charneca; J.M. Martins (2019). Identification of differentially expressed key genes of Longissimus lumborum samples from Portuguese Alentejano and Bísaro local pig breeds. In: Book of Abstracts of the X International Symposium on Mediterranean Pig, Florença, Itália, p. 90.
Fraqueza, M.J., Rocha, J.M., Laranjo, M., Potes, M.E., Fialho, A.R., Fernandes, M.J., Fernandes, M.H., Barreto, A., Semedo-Lemsaddek, T., Elias, M. - 2019 - What is the main processing factor influencing Staphylococcus diversity in different manufacturing units? J. Food Sci. 84 (10) : 2932-2943.
Laranjo M, Potes ME and Elias M (2019) Role of Starter Cultures on the Safety of Fermented Meat Products. Front. Microbiol. 10:853. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.00853
Laranjo, M., Potes, M.E., Gomes, A., Véstia, J., Garcia, R., Fernandes, M.J., Fraqueza, M.J., Elias, M. 2019 - Shelf-life extension and quality improvement of a Portuguese traditional ready-to-eat meat product with vinegar. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2019, 54, 132-140.
Albuquerque, A; C. Óvilo; Y. Núñez; R. Benítez; A. Lopez-Garcia; J. Ballesteros; F. Garcia; M. Laranjo; R. Charneca; J.M. Martins (2019). Comparative transcriptomic analysis of dorsal subcutaneous fat from Portuguese local pig breeds. In: ISAG 2019 - 37th. International Society for Animal Genetics Conference: Abstract Book, Lleida, Espanha, pp. 143-144.
Laranjo, M., Férnadez-Léon, A., Agulheiro-Santos, A.C., Potes, M.E., Elias, M. (2019) Essential oils of aromatic and medicinal plants play a role in food safety.J Food Process Preserv 2019;00:e14278 7pp
Elias, M., Laramjo, M., Agulheiro-Santos, A.C., Potes, M.E - 2019 - The role of salt on food and human health. In "Salt in the earth" ED: Dr Mualla Çinku. IntechOpen, London, U.K. ISBN - 978-1-78984-635-5

* For more publications, perform a search by author name on Digital Repository of Scientific Publications of UÉ.

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