International Students

For Whom

Can make de application the bachelor's or integrated master's degree candidates who may have international student status, have the nationality of a country that does not belong to the European Union,.

This special application does not apply to candidates  who, despite having the nationality of a country that does not belong to the European Union, are in one of the following situations:

- have been legally resident in Portugal for more than two years, uninterruptedly, before January 1st of the year in which they intend to enter in a higher education (the time of residence permit for study does not count for this purpose);

- have dual nationality, one of which is from a member of the European Union;

- are beneficiaries, on January 1st of the year in which they intend to enter, of equal rights and duties status granted under an international treaty between the Portuguese State and the State of which they are nationals;

- are family members of Portuguese nationals or nationals of a Member of the European Union (they are considered family members under the terms of Law no. 37/2006 , of August 9th);

- are enrolled in a foreign Higher Education Institution and wish to make a mobility period at the University of Évora ;

- wish to enter in a Higher Education through the special schemes .

On the application form, the candidate must declare, under oath, that he/she does not have Portuguese nationality and is not covered by the above conditions.

Students who enter through this competition maintain the status of international student for as long as they remain in the cycle of studies they are entering, even if, while attending the cycle of studies, they are granted the status of equal rights and duties under an international treaty between the Portuguese State and the State of which they are nationals. Exceptions are made for international students who acquire the nationality of a Member of the European Union, with the cessation of the application of international student status taking effect in the academic year following the date of acquisition of that nationality.

Foreign students that are not covered by this application must apply through the applications for students from the European Union .



Applications must be submitted online, using the appropriate form, and first registration is required.

Step 1: Register here  to obtain credentials to register your application.

Step 2: Fill in the application form here .

When accessing the SIIUE to register the application for the desired application/scheme, the applicant must register (name, email address, ID number and a password of their choice). After registering, they will receive a notification at the email address they provided for authentication and validation of their SIIUE user registration credentials (email address and password). Once this registration has been validated, the candidate will be able to access the SIIUE with these credentials, in order to carry out their duties:

a) Make an application;

b) View all the information about any fees and the procedure to make the payment;

c) Consult all notifications received under the terms of these regulations.

Application documents

1.  Conclusion of secondary education must be proven by submitting one of the following documents:

a)  Proof of conclusion of Portuguese secondary education or legal equivalent;

b) Proof of conclusion of foreign secondary education.

2.   Possession of specific academic qualifications must be proven by means of evidence corresponding to the qualification for which you are applying:

a)  Proof of having passed a foreign national examination, if the country of origin of the qualification requires this examination for access to higher education, in addition to secondary education. If the country of origin of the qualifications is not listed in Annex I of the Regulations for Access and Admission to the University of Évora,  you must also submit a declaration issued by the Ministry of Education or the competent national authority of that country, proving the information about the conditions required for access to higher education in the origin country;

b)  Proof of passing the national or recognized secondary school subject terminal exams and a declaration issued by the Ministry of Education or by the competent national authority of that country, which proves that they are secondary school subject terminal exams and that they are national in scope or recognized at national level;

c)  Proof of having passed the Portuguese national exams corresponding to the entrance exams required for the course you are applying for , taken under the General Access Regime in Portugal.

3 . Proficiency in Portuguese must be proven through one of the following documents:

a)  Proof of coonclusion of secondary education in Portuguese;

b)  Authenticated B1 certificate issued by an institution in Portugal or in another European Union country;

c) Elementary Diploma in Portuguese as a Foreign Language (DEPLE);

4 .The Identification must be proven by a copy of an identity document, and the candidate must declare in the application, under oath, that he/she is not Portuguese.

Each document must be scanned in pdf or jpg format and it must be ensured that:

a)  if the classification does not appear on the proof of qualifications, a declaration from the Higher Education Institution that issued it must be submitted, proving the classification of conclusion;

b)  if the degree classification does not correspond to the 0-20 numerical scale, a document issued by the institution of origin of the degree, by the Ministry of Education or by the Embassy must be submitted, showing the maximum classification on this scale and the minimum classification corresponding to approval;

c)  if the proof of qualifications has been issued by an entity from a country outside the European Union, these documents must be authenticated in one of the following ways:

i.  The consulates or embassies of Portugal in the origin country where the candidate obtained their qualifications;

ii.  The consulates or embassies of the origin country where the candidate obtained their qualifications in Portugal;

iii.  With an Apostille of the Haia Convention, for countries that are signatories to the Apostille;

d) if the proof of qualifications is not written in Portuguese, Spanish, French or English, a translation of the documents into Portuguese must also be presented.


If you do not submit a document proving the final classification obtained in the bachelor's degree on a scale of 0-20, nor the documents referred to in points a) and b), the candidate will be ranked with a mark of 10, for the purposes of ranking and for calculating scholarships for international students.

Validation of documents

The documents included in the application are submited to validation by the Academic Services of the University of Évora, and this submission must be made possible by the candidates who will be placed, by complying with the following procedures.


1. Submission of the qualification documents for validation, which can be done in one of the following ways, within 30 (thirty) consecutive days after the enrollment:

a)  In person, at the SAC, by presenting the original documents that were submitted digitally in the application;

b)  By registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt, by sending a certified copy of the original documents. The documents must be certified by a national public entity, CTT, Notaries, Lawyers, Solicitors, Registry Offices, Parish Councils, or Chambers of Commerce and Industry, in accordance with the combined provisions of article 363 of the Civil Code and article 38 of Decree-Law no. 76-A/2006, of May 29;

c)  By registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt, by sending the original documents that were submitted digitally in the application, and the University of Évora cannot be held responsible under any circunstances for lost documents. The originals will be returned to the student in person, when they present themselves at the SAC.

(Adress: Largo dos Colegiais, Apartado 94, 7000-554 Évora) 

2.  Present the respective identification document, as referred to above in points a) or b), until  October 31st of the academic year of enrolment, and international students must also present the corresponding visa.


A candidate for the special application for international students meets the conditions for access  to the application process if he/she holds:

a) a qualification conferring the right to apply for and enter higher education in the country in which the qualification was conferred, to be evidenced by a diploma or certificate issued by a competent authority;

b) Portuguese secondary education or a legally equivalent qualification. This qualification equivalence is defined by Ministerial Order no. 224/2006, of March 8 and Ministerial Order no. 699/2006, of July 12.

 The Candidate with access conditions are eligible for admission to a given course if, cumulatively:

a)  Has a specific academic qualification in the subjects of the entrance exams established under the General Regime for Access to Higher Education  in Portugal for the course to which he/she is applying;

b)  Has proficiency in the Portuguese language or in the language in which the course he/she is applying for will be taught;

c)  Satisfies the prerequisites , if they are required for the course they are applying for under the general access regime.

In the case of applications for access and admission to the degree in Music, in addition to meeting the above conditions, you must take and pass the Specific Vocational Aptitude Test  (PAVE), which you are automatically enrolled in when you apply to the special application for international students.

Candidates have a specific academic qualification  if:

1. in the case of foreign secondary school graduates , prove one of the following conditions:

a)  Passing the national examination for access to higher education held in the origin country;

b) Passing the national or recognized secondary school subject terminal exams that correspond to the entrance exams required  for the course to which they are applying, taking into account the homology stipulated in the Deliberation published annually by CNAES  with the table of correspondence of foreign secondary school terminal exams considered homologous to the entrance exams;

c)  Passing the Portuguese national exams corresponding to the entrance exams required  for the course to which they are applying, to be taken, as a self-proposed candidate, at a school in Portugal or at a Portuguese school abroad. The candidate must register for the exams under the conditions and by the deadlines regulated, established and published by the Portuguese Government's Directorate-General for Higher Education (DGES) ;

d)  Conclusion of the preparatory course at the UÉ , with approval in the UCs corresponding to the entrance exams required for the course to which they are applying;

e)  Passing the specific qualification exams for international students, held by the UÉ, in the language in which the course is taught and covering the subjects of the entrance exams required  for the course you are applying for under the General Access Regime. This written exam may be supplemented by an oral exam if the selection board deems it necessary. The specific qualification exams may, if possible, be taken at foreign institutions with which the University of Évora has established protocols for this purpose.


2. In the case of Portuguese secondary school graduates or their legal equivalent, they must prove that they have passed the Portuguese national exams corresponding to the Portuguese entrance exams required under the General Access Regime for the course they are applying for.

Foreign or Portuguese national exams, as well as specific qualification tests, are valid for the special international student application at the UÉ, in the year in which they are taken and for the following four years.


Proficiency in the language in which the course is taught requires the candidate to have an independent command of the language, corresponding to level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, which must be proven by a document to be inserted in the application.

If language proficiency is not proven, the incoming student will be automatically enrolled in the diagnostic test and will be required to attend and approval, in the year of entry, the course unit (UC) corresponding to the language level determined in the diagnostic test. You will not be required to attend this course if you demonstrate proficiency of at least level B1 in the Portuguese language diagnostic test. Attendance at the curricular unit is subject to assessment, and success is compulsory for those entering without proficiency in the language to be able to renew their enrolment in the following year, or to obtain any certificate.


Information on the Specific Academic Qualification Test for International Students:


Applicants to the special application for international students (EI) are automatically enrolled in the specific qualifying exams for EI, except for those who can prove in their application that they have taken a national exam for access to higher education in their country of origin or national exams or exams recognized as such, in the terminal subjects of secondary education homologous to the entrance exams for the course to which they are applying.

Applicants for the Music Degree (which requires the PAVE in which they are automatically enrolled when they apply for the special EI competition) can only apply in the 2nd phase, as well as those who are required to take the Portuguese national exams (entrance exams required for the course they are applying for).


1st phase 

Applications:  27/Feb/2025 to 13/Mar/2025

Specific qualification tests for EI : 01/Apr/2025 to 08/Apr/2025 

Results of the specific qualification tests for EI:  Until 17/Apr/2025

Grading results:  Until 08/May/2025

Enrolment:  08/May/2025 to 12/May/2025

Results after reallocations and/or redistribution of places, if applicable:  Until 15/May/2025

Enrolment after reallocations and/or redistribution of places, if applicable:  15/May/2025 to 20/May/2025


2nd phase 

Applications:  26/May/2025 to 06/Jun/2025

Specific qualification tests for EI : 23/Jun/2025 to 28/Jun/2025

Results of the specific qualifying exams for EI: Until 11/Jul/2025

Presentation of proof of passing the Portuguese national exam (if applicable):  Until 25/Jul/2025

Grading results:  Until 30/Jul/2025 

Enrolment:  30/Jul/2025 to 04/Aug/2025

Results after reallocations and/or redistribution of places, if applicable:  Until 08/Aug/2025

Enrollment after reallocations and/or redistribution of places, if applicable:  08/Aug/2025 to 18/Aug/2025


NOTE1:  Diagnostic test of Portuguese language proficiency (automatic enrollment upon registration): 01/Sep/2025 until 31/out/2025


See the course for information on initial places  available.


Enyrance Exams for 2025/26 and 2026/27

Under the terms of article 21 of Decree-Law no. 296-A/98, ofSeptember 25, in conjunction with articles 18 and 20, the National Commissionfor Access to Higher Education (CNAES) is responsible for setting the list ofentrance exams, at the proposal of the higher education institutions, whereby thenumber of exams required for admission to each institution/course pair may notbe less than two and more than three. Competent body of the higher educationinstitution, authorize that, for certain institution/course pairs, the numberof lists be increased to a maximum of six.

In this context, and following the introduction of therequirement that the number of exams required for admission to eachinstitution/study cycle pair cannot be less than two and more than three,Decree-Law no. 64-A/2023 of July 31 three, by Decree-Law no. 64-A/2023, of July31, which made the tenth amendment to Decree-Law no. 296-A/98, of September 25,in its current wording, with article 34 of that Decree-Law providing that thechanges relating to the number of entrance exams and the resulting formula forcalculating the application classification are applicable to applications tohigher education for access and admission from the 2025/2026 academic yearonwards.

See here CNAES Decision no. 852/2024 , published in Diário daRepublica no. 126 - 2nd Series, of July 2, which publishes the list of entranceexams for applications to higher education in the 2025-2026 and 2026-2027academic years.



Applications may be subject to payment of a fee (application fee), in accordance with the Table of Fees .

The application can only be analyzed and validated after payment of the application fee within the established deadlines (three consecutive days after notification of payment). The reference provided will be valid for the three consecutive days following notification of payment. If you let this reference lapse, you will have to request a new one by applying in the SIIUE, as long as you do not exceed the deadline for the application phase.

Under the terms of the order setting tuition fees , a tuition fee of 2,500 euros per academic year is due upon enrollment/registration. For more information on tuition fees, please consult the University of Évora's Tuition Fee Regulations .

International students can take advantage of the "Cooperation and Development Scholarship" or the "Merit Scholarship", with the tuition fee to be paid by the beneficiary of the incentive corresponding to the amount of tuition due after subtracting the value of the incentive.  The value of the incentive is set by Rectorial Order  and is, at most, equal to the difference between the international student's tuition fee and the tuition fee for national students.

In the year of entry, students with international student status and PALOP nationality are all entitled to the Cooperation and Development Scholarship, which is awarded upon enrollment. In subsequent years, they must pass at least 48 ECTS of the studies plan in the previous academic year, except in the first year of entry, when they need to pass 30 ECTS.

The Merit Scholarship, in the year of entry, is awarded upon enrollment to the student with international student status who cumulatively has a grade equal to or higher than the minimum merit grade for the 1st cycle and Integrated Master's degree  defined annually in a rectorial order, where C corresponds to the access grade (rounded to the tenth) considered in the 1st cycle selection process and MI in the special application for international students. In subsequent years, the scholarship is awarded if the following cumulative conditions set out in article 22 of the Academic Regulations of the University of Évora  are met in order to continue benefiting from the scholarship.






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