Mourad Bezzeghoud
Professor Catedrático (Departamento de Física)
Contrato Trabalho Funções Públicas por tempo indeterminado
Doutoramento: 1987 - Doutoramento em Geofísica (Sismologia), Instituto de Física do Globo de Paris (IPGP, Universidade Paris VII, Franca)/Geofísica (Université Denis Diderot (Paris VII) - França - 1987)
Mestrado: 1982 - Mestrado em Geofísica e Geoquímica (D.E.A), Instituto de Física do Globo de Paris (IPGP, Universidade Paris VII, Franca)/Geofísica Interna e Geoquímica (Université Denis Diderot (Paris VII) - França - 1982)
Licenciatura: 1981 - Engenheiro Geofísico, Instituto Nacional dos Hidrocarbetos e Química (INHC), (Boumerdes-Argel, Argélia)/Geofísica (Instituto Nacional dos Hidrocarbetos e Química (INHC), (Boumerdes-Argel, Argélia) - 1981)
Assembleia de Departamento de Física (Membro)
CREATE - Centro de Investigação em Ciência e Tecnologia para o Sistema Terra e Energia (Membro Integrado Doutorado)
Conselho Científico (Conselheiro)
Conselho Científico da Escola de Ciências e Tecnologia (Presidente)
Conselho Científico da Escola de Ciências e Tecnologia (Membro)
Conselho Científico do Instituto de Investigação e Formação Avançada (Conselheiro)
Polo de Estremoz (Membro Colaborador)
Mourad Bezzeghoud is Full Professor at the University of Évora (Professor in the Physics Department/School of Sciences and Technology and researcher at the ICT/IIIFA). He has published dozens of articles in specialized revues and jornals, and several books and chapters in book. He works in the area of Earth Sciences (Solid Earth Geophysics) with an emphasis in Seismology. He interacted with 198 collaborators in co-authorship of scientific works. He has organized more than 70 national and international conferences. In his curriculum Ciência Vitae (FCT, Portugal:, the most frequent terms in the context of scientific and technological production are: Earthquake Seismology, Seismic source, Historical and instrumental seismicity, Focal Mechanisms, Seismic risks, Seismotectonics, Nonlinear Dynamics, Seismic Network (instrumentation) and Ibero-Maghrebian region.
1 - Field of specialization: Since 1983, he has guided his research work on the Geophysics of Solid Earth and, in particular, on Seismology. His study focused in particular on the study of the seismic source, the spectral analysis of the seismic signal, the modeling of volume waves and the inverse problem. His research focused on obtaining the focal mechanism of earthquakes, rupture process models and seismic source parameters. The progression of this work led him to the elaboration of his doctoral thesis.
2 - Current research interests: Seismic Source, Rupture Process, Seismic Risk, Lithosphere Deformation, Seismic Tomography as well as Seismic Network (instrumentation). Development of methods and techniques that make it possible to know in greater detail the spatio-temporal evolution of the seismic rupture and the deformation of the crust associated with it.- Seismic Source, Focal Mechanisms and Geodynamic implications. Study the boundary between the Iberian and African plates using seismicity and associated focal mechanisms. Deep seismicity has been correlated with an ancient subduction process. A mapping of deformation rates in the western part of the Europe-Africa border (Azores-Tunisia) was also carried out from the seismic energy released. - Structure and Seismic Tomography. Build an image of the Algarve continental seismogenic structure, one of the two most active seismic zones in Portugal. - Calculation of strong motions from finite source models.
3 - New interest: Muography as a new tool for geophysics. Muography is an imaging technique that uses natural cosmic muon radiation, produced at high rate by cosmic rays impinging on the Earth atmosphere. See
4 - Scientific dissemination. Coordinates and participates in dissemination activities in schools and projects for the development of didactic experimental prototypes in the area of seismology.
2 - Current research interests: Seismic Source, Rupture Process, Seismic Risk, Lithosphere Deformation, Seismic Tomography as well as Seismic Network (instrumentation). Development of methods and techniques that make it possible to know in greater detail the spatio-temporal evolution of the seismic rupture and the deformation of the crust associated with it.- Seismic Source, Focal Mechanisms and Geodynamic implications. Study the boundary between the Iberian and African plates using seismicity and associated focal mechanisms. Deep seismicity has been correlated with an ancient subduction process. A mapping of deformation rates in the western part of the Europe-Africa border (Azores-Tunisia) was also carried out from the seismic energy released. - Structure and Seismic Tomography. Build an image of the Algarve continental seismogenic structure, one of the two most active seismic zones in Portugal. - Calculation of strong motions from finite source models.
3 - New interest: Muography as a new tool for geophysics. Muography is an imaging technique that uses natural cosmic muon radiation, produced at high rate by cosmic rays impinging on the Earth atmosphere. See
4 - Scientific dissemination. Coordinates and participates in dissemination activities in schools and projects for the development of didactic experimental prototypes in the area of seismology.
2020: Nominated as member (expert) of the panel of independent international experts ParisRegion (Ile de France) FP. European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions Grant Agreement no 945298-ParisRegion
04/2022: President of External Evaluation Committee (A3ES, NCE/21/2100145)
2015-2019: Expert Evaluator of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action "Innovative Training Networks" (ITN)-EU
05/2016: Expert Evaluator of the Agence Nacional de Recherche (France)
2015-2016: Scientific Evaluator of PhD Studentships, PhD Studentships in Industry and Post-Doctoral Fellowships for the FCT (Foundation of Sciences and Technology, Portugal) in the fields of the Earth and Space Science, Portugal
2015: Scientific Evaluator of bilateral projects of the FCT (Foundation of Sciences and Technology, Portugal) in the fields of the Earth and Space Science, Portugal
2015: Scientific Advisor of FCT (Foundation of Sciences and Technology, Portugal) in the fields of the Earth Science, Portugal
2011-2013: Member of the Steering Committee of the National Network of Geophysics
2012: Scientific Evaluator of bilateral projects of the Foundation of the Portuguese Universities in the fields of the Earth and Space Science, Portugal
2011: Scientific Advisor of FRCT (Azores) in the fields of the Earth and Space Science, Portugal
2010-2011: Scientific Adviser of FUP (Foundation of Portuguese Universities) in the field of the Earth and Space Science, Portugal
Since 2008: Founding member of the Ibero‐Maghrebian earthquake risk reduction network (IMERNET)
Since 2007: Working Group on Prevention of Earthquakes of the Academy of Engineering (Lisbon, Portugal)
Since 2006: Research team of Sismicidad, Sismotectónica y Riesgo Sísmico, Dept. of Geophysics and Meteorology, Faculty of Physics Sciences, University Complutense of Madrid (UCM), Spain
Since 2006: Portuguese Association of Meteorology and Geophysics (APMG, Lisbon, Portugal)
Since 2004: European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (CSEM-EMSC) (Paris, France)
2020: Nominated as member (expert) of the panel of independent international experts ParisRegion (Ile de France) FP. European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions Grant Agreement no 945298-ParisRegion
04/2022: President of External Evaluation Committee (A3ES, NCE/21/2100145)
2015-2019: Expert Evaluator of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action "Innovative Training Networks" (ITN)-EU
05/2016: Expert Evaluator of the Agence Nacional de Recherche (France)
2015-2016: Scientific Evaluator of PhD Studentships, PhD Studentships in Industry and Post-Doctoral Fellowships for the FCT (Foundation of Sciences and Technology, Portugal) in the fields of the Earth and Space Science, Portugal
2015: Scientific Evaluator of bilateral projects of the FCT (Foundation of Sciences and Technology, Portugal) in the fields of the Earth and Space Science, Portugal
2015: Scientific Advisor of FCT (Foundation of Sciences and Technology, Portugal) in the fields of the Earth Science, Portugal
2011-2013: Member of the Steering Committee of the National Network of Geophysics
2012: Scientific Evaluator of bilateral projects of the Foundation of the Portuguese Universities in the fields of the Earth and Space Science, Portugal
2011: Scientific Advisor of FRCT (Azores) in the fields of the Earth and Space Science, Portugal
2010-2011: Scientific Adviser of FUP (Foundation of Portuguese Universities) in the field of the Earth and Space Science, Portugal
Since 2008: Founding member of the Ibero‐Maghrebian earthquake risk reduction network (IMERNET)
Since 2007: Working Group on Prevention of Earthquakes of the Academy of Engineering (Lisbon, Portugal)
Since 2006: Research team of Sismicidad, Sismotectónica y Riesgo Sísmico, Dept. of Geophysics and Meteorology, Faculty of Physics Sciences, University Complutense of Madrid (UCM), Spain
Since 2006: Portuguese Association of Meteorology and Geophysics (APMG, Lisbon, Portugal)
Since 2004: European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (CSEM-EMSC) (Paris, France)
Since 2011: Collaboration with the North African Group for Earthquake and Tsunami studies (founded in 2000 at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics - ICTP, Trieste, Italy)
2012-2015: Elected Science Officer for Earthquake Characteristics and Processes (Division on Seismology), European Geosciences Union
Jan-Feb 2011: Invited Professor, Department of Geosciences, École Normale Supérieure de Paris (ENS), France
07/2010: Award for the best poster presentation in the field of Geophysics of the VIII National Congress of Geology, 9‐16 July, Braga, Portugal
02-07/2010: Sabbatical Leave Grant funded by FCT, Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, SFRH/BSAB/957/2009. Invited Professor, Dept. of Geophysics and Meteorology, Faculty of Physics Sciences, University Complutense of Madrid (UCM), Spain
1998 2003: Invited Professor, Univ. of Évora, Portugal
1997 1998: Invited Researcher, Geophysics Centre of Évora, Univ. of Évora, Portugal
1995 1997: Invited Professor, University Complutense of Madrid, Faculty of Physics Sciences, Spain
Since 2011: Collaboration with the North African Group for Earthquake and Tsunami studies (founded in 2000 at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics - ICTP, Trieste, Italy)
2012-2015: Elected Science Officer for Earthquake Characteristics and Processes (Division on Seismology), European Geosciences Union
Jan-Feb 2011: Invited Professor, Department of Geosciences, École Normale Supérieure de Paris (ENS), France
07/2010: Award for the best poster presentation in the field of Geophysics of the VIII National Congress of Geology, 9‐16 July, Braga, Portugal
02-07/2010: Sabbatical Leave Grant funded by FCT, Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, SFRH/BSAB/957/2009. Invited Professor, Dept. of Geophysics and Meteorology, Faculty of Physics Sciences, University Complutense of Madrid (UCM), Spain
1998 2003: Invited Professor, Univ. of Évora, Portugal
1997 1998: Invited Researcher, Geophysics Centre of Évora, Univ. of Évora, Portugal
1995 1997: Invited Professor, University Complutense of Madrid, Faculty of Physics Sciences, Spain
acrónimo: TENURE UÉvora
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Fontes Sísmicas da Região Açores-Gibraltar e Implicações Sismoctonicas. Aplicações ao Risco Sismico.
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Mohammed Y. Boudjada, Hans Ulrich Eichelberger, Pier Francesco Biagi, Konrad Schwingenschuh, Giovanni Nico, Maria Solovieva4+, Anita Ermini, Iren Adelina Moldovan, Michael E. Contadakis, Aleksandra Nina, Konstantinos Katzis, Mourad Bezzeghoud, Helmut Lammer, Patrick H.M. Galopeau, Bruno Besser, and Özer Aydogar, 2021. Ray paths of VLF/LF transmitter radio signals in the seismic Adriatic regions. EGU General Assembly 2021,
Abdelhakim Ayadi, Farida Ousadou, Kahina Roumane, Assia Harbi, Said Maouche, Mourad Bezzeghoud, Mustapha Meghraoui, 2021. An update of Algerian's seismic catalog from historical seismicity, archeoseismological, and paleoseismological studies. Collection on Seismic Hazard and Risk in Africa. Arabian Journal of Geosciences,
Manso M. and M. Bezzeghoud, 2021. On-site Sensor Noise Evaluation and Detectability in Low Cost Accelerometers. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS 2021), 100-106, ISBN: 978-989-758-489-3,
Bezzeghoud, M., Manso, M. (2021). Monitoring the Earth: the Near-Future Developments in Seismology. Academia Letters, Article 581.
Manso, M., Bezzeghoud, M., 2021. On-site Sensor Noise Evaluation and Detectability in Low Cost Accelerometers. Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS 2021), 100-106. ISBN: 978-989-758-489-3. DOI: 10.5220/0010319001000106
1. Biagi P.F., A. Ermini M. Boudjada, H. Eichelberger, K. Katzis, M. E. Contadakis, C. Skeberis, I. A. Moldovan, M. Bezzeghoud A. Nina, G. Nico, 2021, A possible radio anomaly observed on the occasion of the MW=6.0 earthquake occurred in Dodecanese islands at the end of January 2020, EGU21-1047, EGU General Assembly 202, egu21-1047
Pier Francesco Biagi, Anita Ermini, Mohammed Boudjada, Hans Eichelberger, Konstantinos Katzis, Michael Contadakis, Christos Skebelis, Iren Moldovan, Mourad Bezzeghoud, Alexandra Nina, and Giovanni Nico, 2021. A possible radio anomaly observed on the occasion of the MW=6.0 earthquake occurred in Dodecanese islands at the end of January 2020. EGU General Assembly 2021. EGU21-1047,
Giovanni Nico, Pier Francesco Biagi, Anita Ermini, Mohammed Yahia Boudjada, Hans Ulrich Eichelberger, Konstantinos Katzis, Michael Contadakis, Christos Skeberis, Iren Adelina Moldovan, Mourad Bezzeghoud, and Aleksandra Nina, 2021. Wavelet analysis applied on temporal data sets in order to reveal possible pre-seismic radio anomalies and comparison with the trend of the raw data.EGU21-5154, EGU General Assembly 2021.
Ines Hamak, Piedade Wachilala, José Borges, Nuno Dias, Inês Rio, and Mourad Bezzeghoud, 2021. Improved three-dimensional image of the tomographic inversion of the Arraiolos aftershock sequence. EGU21-8079, EGU General Assembly 2021,
Souhila Chabane, Leila Adnane, Mouhaydine Tlemcani, Antonio Jardim, Mourad Bezzeghoud, 2021. Geotechnical and chemical study and analysis of the marble quarry in the Alentejo area, Portugal. SYMCOMP 2021 - 5th International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation: Developments and Applications. Editors: Maria Amélia Loja, Mourad Bezzeghoud, Joaquim Infante Barbosa, José Alberto Rodrigues. 383-390, ISBN: 978-989-99410-6-9
Carrilho, F., S. Custódio, M. Bezzeghoud, C. S. Oliveira, C. Marreiros, D. Vales, P. Alves, A. Pena, G. Madureira, M. Escuer, et al. (2021). The Portuguese National Seismic Network?Products and Services, Seismol. Res. Lett. XX, 1-30, doi: 10.1785/ 0220200407.
Fontiela João, M. Bezzeghoud, C.S. Oliveira, M.A. Ferreira, J. C. Nunes, 2020. International Meeting 40 years of the 1980 Azores Earthquake, 6th - 7th October 2020 - Conference Report. EarthArXiv.
Fontiela, J., Rosset, P., Wyss, M., M. Bezzeghoud, J. Borges, F. Cota Rodrigues. Human Losses and Damage Expected in Future Earthquakes on Faial Island-Azores. Pure Appl. Geophys. 177, 1831-1844 (2020).
Oliveira C.S., J. Fontiela, M. A. Ferreira, M. Bezzeghoud, J. C. Nunes, F. C. Rodrigues (2020). TITLE. International Meeting 40 Years of the 1980 Azores Earthquake, online meeting, 6-7 October 2020. ISBN: 978-972-778-168-3 (electronic version), Edition: Universidade de Évora, Retrieved from
Marco Manso, Mourad Bezzeghoud, José Borges, Bento Caldeira, Abdelhakim Ayadi, 2020. High-Density Seismic Network for monitoring Alentejo region (Portugal) and Mitidja basin region (Algeria). Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Springer, 13:976, 1-13,
Araújo A., B. Caldeira, A. Martins, J. Borges, N. Moreira, J. Araújo, M. Maia, S. Vicente, P. Afonso, D. Espanhol, M. Bezzeghoud, 2020. Macrossismicity associated with the Arraiolos earthquake of January 15, 2018 with M = 4.9 and possible implications in the geometry of the rupture. Comunicações Geológicas (2020) 107, Especial I, 35-3. ISSN: 0873-948X; e-ISSN: 1647-581X.
Benfedda A. , Y. Bouhadad , M.S. Boughacha , N. Guessoum , K. Abbes , M. Bezzeghoud, 2020. The Oran January 9th (Mw 4.7) and June 6th, 2008 (Mw 5.4) earthquakes: Seismological study and seismotectonic implication. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 169 (2020) 103896,
Matias, L., Rio, I, Waschilala, P., Vales, D., Borges, J., Dias, N., Carrilho, F., Caldeira, B., Custódio, S., Fontiela, J., Bezzeghoud, M., Araujo, A., Coral, C., 2019. INVESTIGAÇÃO DA SEQUÊNCIA SÍSMICA INICIADA PELO SISMO DE ARRAIOLOS (15/1/2018, ML=4.9), Lisboa: IST, p. 1-11
M. Bezzeghoud, A. Araújo, C.P. Gomes, F. Carapau e M.H. Santos, III Congresso Luso-Extremadurense de Ciências e Tecnologia, Livro de Resumos, Universidade de Évora, 2019
K Abbes, C Dorbath, L Dorbath, Y Bouhadad, F Ousadou, M Bezzeghoud, 2019. Revisiting the Laalam (Eastern Algeria) March 20, 2006 (Mw 5.1) Earthquake and its Seismotectonic Implication. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 1-10, 2019.
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