Master Degree
Ano Letivo 2025/2026
Course Overview
The Theatre Master benefits from the integration in the training offer in Arts at Évora University, enabling wide articulations. The teaching of the core components of the theoretical and practical training of the actor / director counts with the contribution of PhD professors in the area and professionals theatrical guests, actors and directors. Conceived from a predominantly practical concept of training / research, students are integrated the research fields developed by lecturer staff. The course aims to respond to the challenges of contemporary theater, offering the future actor / director, innovative components for the exercise of the profession, namely: theater of objects; theater and community; body, movement and theater; performance; theater, audiovisuals and multimedia; voice in theater; experimental dramaturgical research; collaborative and devised theatre; site specific creation. The course's lecture is based on a B-learning model in theoretical and practical-theoretical curricular units taught face to face or online, using the Moodle platform and Zoom web conference of the University of Évora. The laboratory curricular units, deployed in subprojects, only face-to-face, according to a schedule established with the students. Installed on the Leões College, the program offers good study conditions, with the proximity of the library / videographic library of the Jorge Araújo Library, specialized in Arts and studios prepared for the practical teaching of the theater, technically equipped for performance and assembly of public exercises or theater performances.
Organic Unit:
School of Fine Arts
4 Semesters/120 ECTS credits (54 required and 12 optional in curricular units)
CNAEF Areas:
- Music and performing arts (212)
Career Prospects
The professional employment opportunities of the 2nd Cycle in Theater cover the artistic areas of the staging and interpretation in the theater and also at research I&D; artistic mediation; management, production and cultural/social/educational projects.
Specific Entry Requirements
This course does not have specific access conditions, applying the general conditions imposed by law.
Access Routes and Applications
Tuition Fees
Annual Tuition Fees
Students from EU countries
1050.00 €
International Students
2500.00 €
International Students with Merit Scholarships
1050.00 €
International Students with Cooperation and Development Grants
1250.00 €
Course Committee
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Official Documentation
Contact Information
Marcos Alexandre Freire dos Santos []
Academic Manager: Ana Coca
Academic Services (online): SAC.ONLINE