Student Mobility
Europe has a growing need for equipping its citizens with training and skills and for fostering creativity. The world is rapidly changing and, therefore, it is vital for education and training systems to keep up with this development, adapting, modernising, and making the best use of the new opportunities that arise from such development. Erasmus+ can make an important contribution to help tackle the challenges posed by this constant change.
- Mobility for studies – for students who wish to carry out a period of studies at another institution for which an Agreement/Protocol exists; mobility can be for up to one academic year (a minimum period of 3 months and a maximum of 12 months).
- Mobility for training – the possibility that any student, enrolled and registered in a course at the University of Évora or in the twelve months following course completion (graduates) has to carry out on-the-job training abroad for a period of 2-12 months in companies, research centres or higher education institutions under the ERASMUS+ Programme in Europe. In this case, bilateral agreements are not required, just a letter accepting the student issued by the entity where the student proposes to carry out the internship. As regards mobility to countries outside of Europe, a protocol will be required from the higher education institution where the training will take place. The student is responsible for finding the internship location. The internship may be:
- Curricular – for traineeships part of the course curricular plan attended by the student at UÉ
- Extracurricular – for traineeships not part of the course curricular plan, and will not add to the academic degree of the course which students are attending at UÉ. Mention thereof will only appear in the diploma supplement.
- Mobility to participate in a Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) - course organized by Higher Education Institutions, from countries adhering to Erasmus+, with the purpose of promoting innovative ways of teaching and learning, which always integrates a short duration physical mobility component (5 to 30 days without counting travel days) with an online component (which can be before or after the physical mobility and with no limits to the duration), with a minimum of 3 ECTS. The recognition of the approval in this course can be
o Curricular - in case the Course Commission considers that the BIP confers competences that allow to have recognition to a UC of the course in which you are enrolled at UÉ
o Extra Curricular - in case it cannot be recognised in the study plan of the course attended at UÉ; it will be included in the diploma supplement as an extra curricular activity and will not be considered for the academic degree of the course.
- Short-term physical mobility for doctoral students at the UÉ, to carry out a mobility period in research laboratories, short training sessions or any other activities related to their study programme for a minimum period of 5 days and a maximum of 30 days, in one of the Higher Education Institutions with which the UÉ has an agreement or in another Entity.
For Undergraduate, Master or Doctoral students enrolled and registered at the University of Évora in the academic year of mobility, or in the academic year subsequent to course completion.
Mobility can only be realized by students who have successfully completed a minimum of 60 ECTS in the case of 1st cycle and MI, a minimum of 30 ECTS in the case of 2nd cycle students and a minimum of 30 ECTS or approved project in the case of 3rd cycle students.
Integrated Master students can carry out two mobility periods in their study cycle, one in the first three years corresponding to the Bachelor’s degree (no more than 12 months) and a second period in the two last years corresponding to the Master degree (no more than 12 months).
Before applying, you should read about the different Mobility Programmes through which you can undertake mobility and research information about the country and higher education institution where you wish to undertake mobility (Host Institution) .
Once you have confirmed that the University of Évora has an agreement with the institutions where you would like to carry out a mobility period (you must register for 4 to 6 institutions in your application, in order of preference) and decide which Mobility Programme/Project you would like to undertake, you must log in to the UÉ Integrated Information System (SIIUE ), under your student profile, to submit your application for outgoing mobility (Guide to Applying for Mobility ).
After validation of the application, the seriation will be made according to the Academic Regulation of the University of Évora, or according to the terms of the Programme's Call for Applications if applicable.
You will be notified if you have been admitted and the host Higher Education Institution. This institution will be contacted by the Mobility Office of the University of Évora in order to decide if they accept or not the mobility. If the institution accepts the nomination, the student may be contacted directly by the host institution; if this happens the student must inform the Mobility Office.
If the nomination is accepted, the higher education institution in which you were accepted will provide you with the instructions and procedures required by that institution to formalise the mobility. At the same time, you must prepare and upload the proposal for the mobility process to the SIIUE , under your student profile (Guide to the Mobility Process ) to fill in the Learning Agreement. You may only leave for the mobility period if the Learning Agreement and Mobility Agreement have been signed.
If you wish to carry out a curricular or extracurricular internship in mobility, you must submit your application to the Integrated Information System of the University of Évora (SIIUE ), under your student profile. You may submit it even if you do not yet have information or confirmation of the company where you wish to carry out the internship.
As early as possible before the mobility period for which you are applying, you should search for and choose the company where you wish to carry out the internship. The choice of the host company/entity is the responsibility of the student, in collaboration with the Course Director, as the internship must meet the skills required under the study plan and your academic journey.
The following websites and the GAITEC can help you search for companies:
After the person in charge at UÉ has rated your application, you will be notified if your mobility has been accepted. If accepted, you must obtain the Declaration of Acceptance from the company where you would like to carry out the Traineeship and upload the proposal for the mobility process to the SIIUE , under your student profile (Guide to the Mobility Process ) in order to fill in the Training Agreement. You may only leave for the mobility period if the Learning Agreement and Mobility Agreement have been signed.
- Curriculum Vitae
- Proof of IBAN (issued at an ATM)
If you are applying for the ERASMUS+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) Programmes, the following documents must also be submitted:
- Motivation letter
- Identification document
- Letter of recommendation
- Proof of language skills
Any changes to application already submitted may only be made till the end of the application period. More detailed information is available at SAC.ONLINE , where you will find information on how to change your application.
1st Phase - For the first semester and for the academic year 2025 /2026
- Applications: 05/feb/2025 to 26/feb/2025
- Ranking of the results: 28/feb/2025 to 21/mar/2025
- Placement results: by 28/mar/2025
2nd Phase - For the second/spring semester of 2025 /2026
- Applications: 05/may/2025 to 30/may/2025
- Ranking of the results: 11/jun/2025 to 30/jun/2025
- Placement results: by 09/jul/2025
1st Phase - For the first semester and for the academic year 2025 /202 6
- Applications: 05/feb/2025 to 26/feb/2025
- Ranking of the results: 28/feb/2025 to 21/mar/2025
- Placement results: by 28/mar/2025
2nd Phase - For the second/spring semester of 2025 /2026
- Applications: 05/may/2025 to 30/may/2025
- Ranking of the results: 11/jun/2025 to 30/jun/2025
- Placement results: by 09/jul/2025
If the mobility programme for which you are applying provides for an outbound mobility grant, when you submit your application you are automatically applying for such grant.
The results of grants awarded will be disclosed on this website and you will be notified by e-mail.
Participants with special educational needs can indeed apply for the financial support to the National Agency (real costs) through the form for that purpose, being the student's responsibility to fill in this form that will be sent by the UÉ to the Erasmus+ National Agency for analysis and decision of its approval or rejection in terms of the criteria for inclusion support/NEE scholarship. If approved by the Agency, the payment of the NEE grant can happen after the beginning of the mobility.
After you have been accepted by the person in charge at UÉ and the host institution where you will carry out the mobility accepts your nomination, you must submit the proposal for the mobility process to the SIIUE , under your student profile.
In the case of mobility for studies, you must fill in the Learning Agreement , indicating the start and end date of the mobility period, as well as the curricular units/subjects you will take at the host institution and the equivalent curricular units/subjects at the University of Évora in the course in which you are enrolled.
You should go to the website of the host institution to research the curricular units/subjects you would like to attend and obtain the respective syllabus, so that, together with the Course Director, you can see if the University of Évora has equivalent curricular units/subjects.
The learning agreement must include no more than 72 ECTS credits/academic year, no more than 36 ECTS credits per semester, and at least 18 ECTS credits per semester.
Students on outbound mobility programmes are automatically registered at UÉ for the curricular units listed in the approved Learning Agreement . If students have registered for the semester(s) during which mobility will take place, these registrations will be cancelled and students will not be able to change them or register online for other curricular units during the mobility period.
However, upon request and within the time frames set for the registrations, students may register for ongoing curricular units at UÉ during the mobility period up to no more than 36 ETCS credits/semester, which are the maximum ECTS credits allowed every year for other students (this limitation includes the ECTS credits listed in the learning agreement ). Finalist students may register for up to 42 ECTS credits /semester, subject to payment of the extra ECTS credits.
Outgoing students can register for the special exam period for the curricular units in which they were registered in the normal exam period, provided the required conditions are met.
With regard to training mobility, after obtaining the Declaration of Acceptance from the company where the internship will take place the Training Agreement must be filled in with the start and end date of the mobility period, the identification of the company and the work plan.
Study or training mobility may not begin without all the parties (host institution, University of Évora and the student) signing the Mobility Agreement and the Learning Agreement or Training Agreement. Original copies of the documents do not need to circulate around for signatures; scanned and electronic signatures are accepted.
To encourage the acquisition of linguistic skills and face up to the difficulties that this can bring, the European Commission offers online linguistic support service, the OLS – Online Linguistic Support.
The Online Linguistic Support comprises:
- Initial Assessment Test (Test 1) to assess the student’s language competences – before the start of the mobility period
- Language Course – during the mobility period
- Final Assessment Test (Test 2) to assess the student’s language competence at the end of the mobility period
The OLS test is free of charge for participating students, but the assessment thereof is compulsory and must be done in two distinct periods: before the start of mobility and at the end of the mobility period.
ESN Évora is part of the International Exchange Erasmus Student Network (ESN), the largest non-profit student association in Europe whose main purpose is to provide information to mobility students and help then adapt and be integrated in the country and community in which they live. Click here for more information.
Students are responsible for arranging their own accommodation and should, therefore, plan ahead before travelling. Contact your host institution for information on accommodation options.
Speak with fellow students who have already participated in a mobility programme in the respective country/city. Some private companies in a number of European cities offer accommodation. Visit credible and reliable websites to learn about your rights and duties regarding accommodation. Always seek advice from the host institution’s Mobility or International Relations Office.
You must make sure you have the "Certificate of Attendance " template before starting a mobility programme, which must be submitted to the Mobility or International Relations Office of the host institution or the company where you are to carry out your internship such that they may sign and stamp it.
Once the certificate of attendance has been signed and stamped, you must upload it to the SIIUE (UÉ Integrated Information System) within 15 days from your arrival at the host institution. You will not receive the grant, if one has been awarded, until the certificate has been uploaded into the SIIUE.
You must keep the Certificate of Attendance and, on the last day of your mobility period, return to the Mobility or International Relations Office of the host institution or company where you carried out your internship such that they can register the end date. It should then be uploaded again into the SIIUE and the original handed in to the UÉ Mobility Office when you return to the University of Évora.
If, after arriving at the host institution, you need to make changes to the initial Learning Agreement due to unforeseen circumstances (e.g., overlapping timetables, inadequacy of the content of subjects chosen, a subject is not being taught), you will have 30 days from the date of arrival to submit a proposal for amendment through the SIIUE.
After the deadline has elapsed, changes to the Learning Agreement must be required via GESDOC and are subject to approval.
If, while at the host institution, you attend curricular units that are not part of the approved Learning Agreement, you will not obtain academic recognition thereof. However, you may apply for a certificate from the host institution and later request accreditation of those curricular units within the time frame stipulated in the academic procedures calendar.
You may extend your ERASMUS study period, when taken in the first semester of the academic year, until the second semester provided the extension is previously agreed to between the University of Évora and the host institution, and the following requirements are met:
- The application and agreed extension together with a new learning agreement, duly signed, must be formalised before the end of the first semester.
- The extension period must be consecutive, without interruption, immediately following the ongoing study period, with the exception of school holidays.
- Mobility periods, with or without an extension, lasting more than one academic year are not permitted.
During their first semester at the host institution, students undertaking a mobility period corresponding to one academic year who are unable to attend the second semester, for duly justified unforeseen circumstances, must inform the UÉ Mobility Office and the host institution via GESDOC before the first semester ends.
You may withdraw until 30 june, if the mobility period is in the first semester or academic year, and until 15 november for the second semester, by submitting an application via GESDOC .
If mobility has already been accepted by the host institution, you must inform said institution of your withdrawal.
If you apply for withdrawal after the aforementioned dates, except for health reasons or due to unforeseen circumstances, which must be duly justified and will be assessed and considered by the Institutional Coordinator, you will not be allowed to apply for another mobility programme.
If you withdraw after the mobility period has started:
- You must repay the grant received in full, should you have been awarded one, if you withdraw before the minimum mobility period - two months for studies and two for internship.
- If you withdraw after the minimum period, you will only be entitled to the grant amount corresponding to that period and must repay the difference.
If you fail all curricular units at the host institution you will be obligated to repay the entire grant amount.
Before returning to the UÉ, you must go to the Mobility or International Relations Office of your host institution so that they can sign and stamp your “Certificate of Attendance”. Once this has been done, you must upload the certificate to the SIIUE under your student profile. The original must then be handed in to the UÉ Mobility Office as soon as you return to the University.
At the end of the mobility period and when requesting that the Certificate of Attendance be signed, you must apply for your Transcript of Records indicating the classification awarded for each of the curricular units/subjects listed in the final version of the Learning Agreement approved by both institutions. No fee is due for issuance of the Transcript of Records.
If the host institution is unable to provide you with the document in a timely manner, you must ask the institution to indicate when and how the document will be provided. Under the ERASMUS + Regulations, the host institution has five weeks from the end of the mobility period to provide you with your Transcript of Records. Once you’ve received the document, you must upload it to the SIIUE.
At the end of your mobility period, you must answer the Final Survey, which you will receive by e-mail. Answering in the Final Survey is compulsory .
If you were awarded a grant, the outstanding amount will only be paid once the Final Survey has been duly completed and the original Certificate of Attendance, duly signed and stamped, has been handed in.
Once your Transcript of Records has been uploaded to the SIIUE, the Academic Services Department’s Mobility Office will request academic recognition from the Course Director, in accordance with the Learning Agreement. Academic recognition will not be granted for curricular units that are not included in the approved Learning Agreement. Classifications will be converted to the 0-20 grading scale used in Portugal pursuant to Article 42 of the RAUE (UÉ Academic Regulations) when a different grading scale has been used. Once the Course Director’s proposal has been approved by the respective School’s Scientific Board, the classifications will be included in your academic record.
- Academic Regulations of the University of Évora
- Student Guide to Applying for Mobility
- Learning or Training Agreement Guide
- Certificate of attendance
- Guide to Changing a Learning or Training Agreement
- Extending mobility period
- Erasmus+ Programme Guide
More detailed information is available at SAC.ONLINE , the Academic Services Online Help Desk.
Click here for information on the Academic Services Department’s office hours.