Student Mobility
You must make sure you have the "Certificate of Attendance " template before starting a mobility programme, which must be submitted to the Mobility or International Relations Office of the host institution or the company where you are to carry out your internship such that they may sign and stamp it.
Once the certificate of attendance has been signed and stamped, you must upload it to the SIIUE (UÉ Integrated Information System) within 15 days from your arrival at the host institution. You will not receive the grant, if one has been awarded, until the certificate has been uploaded into the SIIUE.
You must keep the Certificate of Attendance and, on the last day of your mobility period, return to the Mobility or International Relations Office of the host institution or company where you carried out your internship such that they can register the end date. It should then be uploaded again into the SIIUE and the original handed in to the UÉ Mobility Office when you return to the University of Évora.
If, after arriving at the host institution, you need to make changes to the initial Learning Agreement due to unforeseen circumstances (e.g., overlapping timetables, inadequacy of the content of subjects chosen, a subject is not being taught), you will have 30 days from the date of arrival to submit a proposal for amendment through the SIIUE.
After the deadline has elapsed, changes to the Learning Agreement must be required via GESDOC and are subject to approval.
If, while at the host institution, you attend curricular units that are not part of the approved Learning Agreement, you will not obtain academic recognition thereof. However, you may apply for a certificate from the host institution and later request accreditation of those curricular units within the time frame stipulated in the academic procedures calendar.
You may extend your ERASMUS study period, when taken in the first semester of the academic year, until the second semester provided the extension is previously agreed to between the University of Évora and the host institution, and the following requirements are met:
- The application and agreed extension together with a new learning agreement, duly signed, must be formalised before the end of the first semester.
- The extension period must be consecutive, without interruption, immediately following the ongoing study period, with the exception of school holidays.
- Mobility periods, with or without an extension, lasting more than one academic year are not permitted.
During their first semester at the host institution, students undertaking a mobility period corresponding to one academic year who are unable to attend the second semester, for duly justified unforeseen circumstances, must inform the UÉ Mobility Office and the host institution via GESDOC before the first semester ends.
You may withdraw until 30 june, if the mobility period is in the first semester or academic year, and until 15 november for the second semester, by submitting an application via GESDOC .
If mobility has already been accepted by the host institution, you must inform said institution of your withdrawal.
If you apply for withdrawal after the aforementioned dates, except for health reasons or due to unforeseen circumstances, which must be duly justified and will be assessed and considered by the Institutional Coordinator, you will not be allowed to apply for another mobility programme.
If you withdraw after the mobility period has started:
- You must repay the grant received in full, should you have been awarded one, if you withdraw before the minimum mobility period - two months for studies and two for internship.
- If you withdraw after the minimum period, you will only be entitled to the grant amount corresponding to that period and must repay the difference.
If you fail all curricular units at the host institution you will be obligated to repay the entire grant amount.