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Miguel Avillez

Research Full Professor (Institute for Research and Advanced Training)

Employment contract in public functions indefinitely

Doctoral Degree: Doutoramento em Astrofísica (Universidade de Évora) e estudos de doutoramento (University of Manchester & Universidade de Évora); Agregação em Física-Astrofísica (Universidade de Coimbra)/Astrofísica ( - )
High Performance Computing Chair (Head)
Centro Operacional High Performance Computing – Universidade de Évora (Coordinator)
Conselho de Gestão Técnica e Científica (HPC_UE) (Advisor)
Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics
Computational Atomic Physics
High Performance Computing
Numerical Methods

Physics of the interstellar medium: Disk-halo interaction and galactic fountains (Milky Way, edge-on spiral galaxies); Bubbles and superbubbles; Local Bubble; Fermi Bubbles; X-ray emission of the diffuse gas in local galaxies (e.g., M31, M33, LMC); Thermal evolution of plasmas (ionic structure, non-equilibrium ionization evolution of plasmas, overionization, delayed recombination, spectral fitting); Tidal disruption events by the supermassive black holes, e.g., Sgr A*. Cosmic rays (propagation; Fermi and diffuse shock accelerations; Numerical implementation).

Turbulence and mixing: Compressible turbulence and intermittency (energy dissipation, fractal dimensions of the most dissipative structures; beta models); Direct numerical simulations (DNS) and large eddy simulations (LES); Turbulent mixing.

High performance computing: Parallelisation models (distributed and shared memory models, hybrid models); Heterogenous computing using CPUs, general purpose graphics processor units (GPGPU) and coprocessors (e.g.,Intel Xeon Phi); Software refactoring and acceleration; Big Data e High Performance Data Analytics. AMR data files.

Numerical Analysis: Numerical methods for partial differential equations; Computational gas dynamics; Approximate Riemann solvers (Hartex-Lax-van Leer family solvers (HLL, HLLC, HLLD, and HLLM), Roe, Piecewise Parabolic Method (PPM), Corner Transport Upwind PPM (CTU-PPM), WENO) for non- magnetized and magnetized gases; Numerical schemes for magnetized gases (Constrained transport); Adaptive mesh refinement and block mesh refinement.

Computational Astrophysics Group

Zentrum für Astronomie und Astrophysik; Technische Universität Berlin, Germany

1993 Ph.D. grant at Chalmers Technical Universiy, Sweden | for Ph.D. in Radio-Astronomy

1993 Ph.D. grant at University of Manchester, UK, and University of Evora | for Ph.D. in Astrophysics

1997 Post-doctoral grant at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, US

1999 Coleman Research Fellow, American Museum of Natural History, New York, US

2004 Sabbatical grant at Institute of Astronomy, University of Vienna, Austria

2008 Guest Professor grant at Institute of Astronomy, University of Sao Paulo, Brasil

2011 Guest Professor grant at Department of Physics, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

2011 Sabbatical grant at Zentrum fur Astronomie und Astrophysik, Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany 

2013 Guest Professor grant at Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Michigan

acrónimo: Consórcio DSAI-PMC (ATTRACT DIH)
em curso até 30/09/2025
101101903 / Comissão Europeia
acrónimo: EuroCC 2
em curso até 16/09/2025
101083770 / Comissão Europeia
acrónimo: ATTRACT
em curso até 30/09/2026
acrónimo: Consórcio Advanced Computing 2022
em curso até 31/07/2024
/ Outro(s)
finished in 31/12/2022
acrónimo: Cátedra HPC
em curso até 31/12/2025
acrónimo: Consórcio Advanced Computing 2021
finished in 31/10/2023
2010PA4854 / Comissão Europeia
finished in 09/06/2021
2020-1-PT01-KA103-078153 / Comissão Europeia
acrónimo: Consórcio - HPC - HPDA
finished in 31/05/2022
951732 / Comissão Europeia
acrónimo: EUROCC
finished in 31/08/2022
finished in 31/12/2022
acrónimo: Consórcio "High Performance Computing and High Performance Data Analytics"
finished in 31/05/2021
823767 / Comissão Europeia
acrónimo: PRACE-6IP
finished in 01/03/2022
acrónimo: Acreditação do Consórcio HPC+HPDA
finished in 31/05/2023
POCI-01-0145-FEDER-022217 / Portugal 2020 ,Portugal 2020 ,FCT
acrónimo: ENGAGE-SKA
finished in 29/04/2020
730913 / Comissão Europeia
finished in 30/04/2019
Telescopio XMM-Newton / Outro(s)
finished in 28/12/2017
653838 / Comissão Europeia
acrónimo: PRACE-4IP
finished in 30/04/2017
283493 / Comissão Europeia
acrónimo: PRACE-2IP
finished in 31/08/2013
IP - Project / Comissão Europeia
finished in 02/12/2011
PTDC/CTE-AST/70877/2006 / FCT
finished in 01/04/2012
POCI/FIS/58352/2004 / FCT
finished in 01/02/2008
finished in 01/01/2010
PESO/PRO/40149/2000 / FCT
finished in 01/01/2003

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