Special Education, Motor and Cognitive Domain
Master Degree
Ano Letivo 2025/2026
Course Overview
The main objective of this Master's Degree is to promote specialized training in Special/Inclusive Education, responding to the demands of inclusive education that is being operationalized in different educational contexts, in accordance with the current Portuguese legal framework, the Decree-Law 54 of 2018 of 18 July. This master's degree is targeted at pre-school educators and primary and secondary school teachers. Based on the principles of inclusive education, the master aims to enable students to become competent, reflective and participatory professionals, who can critically analyse educational settings in order to plan and assess contextualised and socially meaningful learning opportunities whereby all children and young people can develop their learning potential with their peers.
It also aims to promote the construction and deepening of scientific knowledge and know-how, which will allow masters students to contribute to the construction of inclusive educational environments, identifying and eliminating barriers to learning, having in mind the "Profile of Students Leaving Compulsory School" as well as the use of participatory methodologies.
It also seeks to contribute to the development of cooperation and dialogue skills with and among the different people involved in the children's educational process (families, teachers, school leaders, Multidisciplinary Teams for Supporting Inclusive Education and other professionals) in order to construct the Inclusive School.
It also aims to promote the construction and deepening of scientific knowledge and know-how, which will allow masters students to contribute to the construction of inclusive educational environments, identifying and eliminating barriers to learning, having in mind the "Profile of Students Leaving Compulsory School" as well as the use of participatory methodologies.
It also seeks to contribute to the development of cooperation and dialogue skills with and among the different people involved in the children's educational process (families, teachers, school leaders, Multidisciplinary Teams for Supporting Inclusive Education and other professionals) in order to construct the Inclusive School.
Organic Unit:
School of Social Sciences
4 Semesters/120 ECTS credits (66 required and 6 optional in curricular units)
CNAEF Areas:
- Education science (142)
Career Prospects
Childhood Educators and Teachers of primary and secondary Education, with the certification of the curricular part of the 1st year of the course, can be recognised as specialists in Special Education and are therefore qualified for teaching in the context of recruitment group 910.
The accreditation process by the Pedagogical Scientific Council for Continuous Training is renewed every edition according to the Decreto-Lei nº 95/97 de 23 de abril. The Master's degree offers the possibility of progression in the teaching career.
The master's degree contributes to the professional development of psychologists, speech and occupational therapists, physiotherapists or other technicians who develop their functions in educational contexts.
The accreditation process by the Pedagogical Scientific Council for Continuous Training is renewed every edition according to the Decreto-Lei nº 95/97 de 23 de abril. The Master's degree offers the possibility of progression in the teaching career.
The master's degree contributes to the professional development of psychologists, speech and occupational therapists, physiotherapists or other technicians who develop their functions in educational contexts.
Specific Entry Requirements
Early childhood teachers and primary and secondary school teachers are the preferential candidates. Psychologists, occupational and speech therapists, psychomotricians and related areas are also considered.
Access Routes and Applications
Tuition Fees
Course Committee
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Official Documentation
Contact Information
Ana Artur [aartur@uevora.pt]
Academic Manager: Vitória dos Anjos Bonito Guiomar
Academic Services (online): SAC.ONLINE