Institute of Earth Sciences (ICT)

The Institute of Earth Sciences (ICT) is a research unit established in 2015, with centres in the Universities of Évora (main management unit), Minho and Porto, aimed at studying the Earth as an integrated system. The multidisciplinary team is organised into six research groups that deal with various areas of Earth Sciences: G1: "Atmosphere, Water and Climate Sciences; G2: "Energy"; G3: "Georesources and Geomaterials "; G4: "Geoconservation and Geoscience Education"; G5: "Environmental Monitoring and Remediation for Sustainability", and G6: "Lithosphere Dynamics".

FCT Assessment Very Good
Official Site
Ana Catarina Pinho (Senior Official)
António Antunes Martins (Associate Professor)
António Chambel (Associate Professor)
António Manuel de Carvalho Soares Correia (Associate Professor with Agregação)
João Fontiela (Researcher)
Jorge Manuel Costa Pedro (Associate Professor)
Luís Lopes (Assistant Professor)
Miguel, A. (Associate Professor with Agregação)
Noel Moreira (Researcher)
Pedro Miguel Madureira Pimenta Nogueira (Associate Professor with Agregação) [Coordenador Local]
Rita Maria Ferreira Fonseca (Associate Professor)
Rui Manuel Soares Dias (Full Professor)
Joana Ferreira da Fonseca Ventura Araújo (Senior Official) [Doutorando]
Joel A. Barrenho (Senior Official) [Secretariat, Technician]
Josué Manuel Amaral Figueira (Operational Assistant) [Technician]
Roberto Pereira da Silva (Senior Official) [Doutorando]
Vanda Maria Marques Rebelo (Head of Division)


Phone +351 266 745 372
Address Instituto de Ciências da Terra, Universidade de Évora, Colégio Luis António Verney | Rua Romão Ramalho, 59, 7002-554 Évora