Borges, MR.; Serra, J.; Marujo, N.; Lima, J. (2023, June 1). DADOS MÓVEIS NA QUANTIFICAÇÃO E QUALIFICAÇÃO DA AFLUÊNCIA DE VISITANTES NOS CONCELHOS DA N2 NO ALENTEJO: ESTUDO EXPLORATÓRIO[Special Session Road-Based Tourism (Routes)]. DSOTT - Diversity & Sustainability. Opportunities and Threats, Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal.
Lima, J.; Serra, J.; Borges, MR.; & Marujo, N. (2023, June 1). RESIDENTS PERCEPTIONS ON THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC TOURISM IMPACTS - THE CASE OF ALENTEJO [Special Session Sustainable Tourism Behavior I]. DSOTT - Diversity & Sustainability. Opportunities and Threats, Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal.
1. Serra, J. (2023). Conference Note - 2nd tourism and hospitality networking conference | RESNET'22, ANATOLIA . An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research. 34 (1), (108-109). Doi:
Serra, J.; Borges, MR; Lima, J.; & Marujo, N. (2023, May ). SUSTAINABLE SMART DESTINATIONS: A CASE STUDY FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A REGIONAL-BASED TOURISM INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM [Special Session DMO's Information Systems as Focal Points for Smart Destinations]. DSOTT - Diversity & Sustainability. Opportunities and Threats, Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra: Portugal.
Serra, J., Borges, M.R., Lima, J. & Marujo, N. - Coordenadores do Protótipo PISTA Digital - Sistema Inteligente de Turismo Sustentável do Alentejo e Ribatejo. Laboratório de Turismo / ASTO / CIDEHUS.UÉ: Universidade de Évora, 2023.
Marujo, N., Borges, M.R., Serra, J. & Lima, J. (2023). Licenciatura em Turismo na Universidade de Évora. 20 Ano de Ensino e Investigação. In N. Marujo, M.R. Borges & J. Serra (Eds.), APLICAÇÃO DA METODOLOGIA PROJECT-BASED LEARNING NO ÂMBITO DA UC DE PROJETOS TURÍSTICOS (pp. 65-74). Castelo Branco, Portugal: RVJ-Editores. ISBN 978-989-35216-4-9.
Andrade, N.; Couto, F.T.; Serra, J. Assessing Fire Risk
Perception in the Vale do Guadiana Natural Park, Portugal. Fire, 2023, 6, 243.
Lima, J.; Serra, J.; Borges, M.R. & Marujo, N. (2023). Is gastronomy important for UNESCO world heritage sites' tourists? A case study from Portugal, Anatolia.
Sousa, Avelino; Serra, Jaime; Borges, Borges, Maria do Rosário; Lima, Joana; Marujo, Noémi (2022). Manual para a Implementação de Práticas Sustentáveis no Turismo - PISTA Toolkit. Ed. Universidade de Évora/CIDEHUS, Évora, Portugal. ISBN: 978-972-778-301-4.
2. Borges, M.R.; Serra, J.; Lima, J. & Marujo, N. (2022). Residents' perceptions on tourism impacts: is tourism in Alentejo (Portugal) perceived as sustainable? In Working Proceedings of the Critical Tourism Studies Conference 2022, 27June-1July, Menorca, Spain
Borges, M. R.; Marujo, N. & Serra, J. (2022). CREATIVE TOURISM IN THE ALENTEJO (PORTUGAL): THE CREATOUR PROJECT EXPERIENCE. RTEP - Revista Turismo Estudos & Práticas. V. 11(1), 1-11
Serra, J; Borges, Maria do Rosário; Lima, Joana;
Marujo, Noémi (2021). Tourism market
segmentation in World Heritage Sites based on
cohort age criteria. Costa, C. et al (Eds),
Proceedings of the INVTUR 2021 International
Conference "Tourism and the Sustainable
Development Goals: From Theory to Practice"
pp.251-254. 978-972-789-724-7;
Serra, J; Borges, Maria do Rosário; Lima, Joana;
Marujo, Noémi (2021).Sustainable tourism
knowledge platforms: the case of Alentejo
Sustainable Tourism Observatory (ASTO),
pp.367-369. . Costa, C. et al (Eds), Proceedings of
the INVTUR 2021 International Conference
"Tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals:
From Theory to Practice" pp.251-254.
SERRA, J., MARUJO, N., DUXBURY, N., GONÇALVES, A. R., CABEÇA, S., REMOALDO, P., ALVES, J. (2021). "Creative tourists in Portugal: Lessons and insights for practitioners". In N. Duxbury, S. Albino and C. Carvalho (Eds.), Creative Tourism: Entrepreneurship, Cultural Resources and Engaging Creative Travellers.pp-30-37 London: CABI International
Caldeira, R. & Serra, J. (2021). The electronic word-of-mouth on digital platforms: The case of Torre
de Palma Wine Hotel. In Umbelino, J., Guerra, M., Calisto, M.L., Costa, M.T., Peres, R. & Gonçalves, S. (Eds), XIII International Tourism Congress. Reinventing Tourism For Upcoming Challenges, 27-29 October 2021, Estoril - Portugal, Book of Abstracts (pp. 201-202). ISBN 978-989-9066-04-5.
REMOALDO, P., SERRA, J., MARUJO, N., ALVES, J., GONÇALVES, A., CABEÇA, S., DUXBURY, N. (2020). "Profiling the participants in Creative Tourism activities: Case studies from small and medium sized cities and rural areas of Continental Portugal". Tourism Management Perspective, Vol. 36, p-1-12. ISSN -2211-9736.
Marujo, N.; Borges, M.d.R.; Serra, J.; Coelho, R. Strategies for Creative Tourism Activities in Pandemic Contexts: The Case of the 'Saídas de Mestre' Project. Sustainability 2021, 13, 10654.
Remoaldo, P., Serra, J., Marujo, N., Alves, J., Gonçalves, A., Cabeça, S., Duxbury, N. (2020). Profiling the participants in creative tourism activities: Case studies from small and medium sized cities and rural areas from Continental Portugal, Tourism Management Perpectives, 36, 1-12.
Serra, Jaime. (2020). Yield Management. In A. Correia e A. Rodrigues (Eds.), Turismo e Hospitalidade de A a Z. Lisboa: ACTUAL Editora.
Salvado, J., Ferreira, A. M., Serra, J. & Marujo, N. (2020). The creative and cultural tourism ecosystem: A conceptual model. Dos Algarves: A Multidisciplinary e-Journal, 38, 59-88. DOI: 10.18089/DAMeJ.2020.38.3