STRengthening Internationalization of Vietnamese Emerging universities
- Consorzio Interuniversitario AlmaLaurea(líder)
- Hanoi University(parceiro)
- Phu Xuan University(parceiro)
- Quang Ninh University of Industry(parceiro)
- Universidade de Évora(parceiro)
- Università Degli Studi Della Tuscia, Viterbo(parceiro)
- Vietnam National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA)(parceiro)
The project responds to Erasmus+ CBHE Strand 1 objectives, since it is designed in order to attract less experienced higher education institutions in Vietnam and to facilitate access to Erasmus+ opportunities by newcomer universities, aiming at reducing the internationalization gap among higher education institutions in the country.
The initiative aims at enhancing the management and administrative capacity of the targeted higher education institutions in terms of strengthening their international relations officers by providing an increased capacity and professionalism to work at international level, an increased quality in the preparation, implementation, monitoring and follow-up of international projects, and by building capacities to support students and staff mobility activities.
University of Évora's team:
- Paulo Resende da Silva (Principal Investigator) - Assistant Professor in the Department of Management;
- Paulo Quaresma - Full Professor in the Department of Informatics and Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Internationalisation;
- Jaime Serra - Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology;
- Gonçalo Camarinhas - Senior Technician in the Programmes and Projects Division;
- Catarina Dias - Senior Technician in the Project Management Division;
- Domingos Romão - Senior Technician in the Internationalisation and Mobility Division;
- Maria Clara Oliveira Senior Technician in the Scientific Activities Management Division.
Goals, activities and expected/achieved results
STRIVE foresees the following specific objectives:
- to encourage the engagement of Vietnamese universities’ governance in sustain the internationalization of their institutions;
- to improve Vietnamese university staff knowledge on Erasmus+ programme opportunities in higher education sector;
- to strengthen Vietnamese university staff capabilities on project proposals’ technical and financial preparation, implementation and monitoring;
- to promote the Vietnamese ownership of KA2 CBHE projects by experimenting EU best practices;
- to strengthen the links between Vietnamese and EU universities in favour of staff and students mobility;
- to raise the awareness of Vietnamese students and additional staff on Erasmus+ programme in higher education sector opportunities.
Work packages:
- WP.1 Project coordination and quality control;
- WP.2 Overview on Erasmus+ programme in higher education sector (led by the University of Évora);
- WP.3 Capacity building on project design and management;
- WP4 Capacity building capitalizing on staff and students experiences in mobility;
- WP5 Dissemination;
- WP6 Sustainability.
More information at