Pedro Miguel Cambeiro Barrulas
Assistant Professor (Department of Chemistry)
Employment contract in public functions indefinitely
Doctoral Degree: Química/Química Orgânica (Universidade de Évora - 2014)
Bachelor's Degree: Bioquímica/Científica (Universidade de Évora - 2007)
Department of Chemistry Assembly (Member)
Comissão de Curso da Licenciatura em Bioquímica (Director)
HERCULES - HERCULES Lab - Cultural Heritage Studies and Safeguard (Integrated Member with doctorate)
Química Orgânica. Novos Materiais Poliméricos Multifuncionais. Organocatálise Assimétrica. Preservação do Património Cultural.
acrónimo: HEPRESTONE
em curso até 31/12/2026
PRR - Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência
acrónimo: Sustainable Stone by Portugal
em curso até 31/12/2025
Portugal 2020
acrónimo: PRO.VITA
finished in 30/06/2023
Comissão Europeia
acrónimo: ADELE-RS
finished in 01/05/2024
acrónimo: Eco-STONEPROTEC
finished in 16/07/2023
acrónimo: PP-nGLASS
finished in 16/07/2023
acrónimo: MICROCENO
finished in 29/02/2024
Portugal 2020
acrónimo: ANTECIPA
finished in 25/10/2022
POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031599 | PTDC/HAR-HIS/31599/2017
Portugal 2020
,Portugal 2020
,Portugal 2020
,Portugal 2020
,Portugal 2020
finished in 14/10/2021
POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031577 | PTDC/QUI-OUT/31577/2017
Portugal 2020
,Agência de Inovação
,Alto Comissariado para a Saúde
,Comissão Europeia
,Câmara Municipal de Grândola
,Portugal 2020
,Portugal 2020
acrónimo: THE SCREAM
finished in 30/04/2021
Portugal 2020
acrónimo: ColourStone
finished in 29/04/2019
finished in 30/03/2015
Hashim, H.; Dias, L.;
Martins, S.; Pires, V.; Costa, M.;
Barrulas, P. Optimization of the
Application of Commercial
Hydrophobic Coatings for Natural
Stone Protection and Preservation.
Heritage 2024, 7, 3495-3510. https://
Lon?ari? V, Arruda AM, Barrulas P, Costa M. An Archaeometric Analysis of Black-Appearing Iron Age Glass Beads from Vinha das Caliças 4 (Portugal). Heritage. 2024; 7(3):1265-1297.
Armal, F.; Dias, L.; Mirão, J.; Pires, V.; Sitzia, F.; Martins, S.; Costa, M.; Barrulas, P. Chemical Composition of Hydrophobic Coating Solutions and Its Impact on Carbonate Stones Protection and Preservation. Sustainability 2023, 15, 16135.
Dias L, Nunes R, Costa M, Caldeira AT, Mirão J, Barrulas P. Unveiling the Effectiveness of Innovative Commercial Coatings Used for the Preservation of Natural Stone?A Contribution. Heritage. 2023; 6(9):6328-6342.
Costa, M., Barrulas, P., Lopes, M.d.C. et al. Personal adornments in West-Central Africa?the case study of a talc bead from the Kongo Kingdom (Mbanza Kongo, Angola). Archaeol Anthropol Sci 15, 22 (2023).
Maia, M., Barrulas, P., Nogueira, P., Mirão, J., & Noronha, F. (2022). Combining ?18O isotope data and in-situ LA-ICP-MS trace element analysis of magnetite as a proxy for ore genesis: Constraints on the formation of Fe deposits from Ossa-Morena Zone (SW Iberian Peninsula). Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 196, 107140.
Maia, M., Barrulas, P., Nogueira, P. M., Mirão, J., & Noronha, F. (2022). In situ LA-ICP-MS trace element analysis of magnetite as a vector towards mineral exploration: A comparative case study of Fe-skarn deposits from SW Iberia (Ossa-Morena Zone). Journal of Geochemical Exploration, (Version of Record 7 January 2022).
Tsoupra, A., Clist, B., da Conceição Lopes, M. et al. A multi-analytical characterization of fourteenth to eighteenth century pottery from the Kongo kingdom, Central Africa. Sci Rep 12, 9943 (2022).
Rubio, L., Barrulas, P., Costa, M., Garcia-Jares, C., Lores, M., & Barrocas Dias, C. (2022). The chemistry behind the body art: unveiling the elemental profile and heavy metal content of natural tattoos and dyes by ICP-MS. RSC Advances, 12(53), 34414-34424.
Faria, J.M.S.; Teixeira, D.M.;Ferreira, D.; Faria, J.M.S.; Teixeira, D.M.;Ferreira, D.; Barrulas, P.; Brito, I.; Pinto, A.P.; Carvalho, M. Manganese Uptake to Wheat Shoot Meristems Is Differentially In?uenced by Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungal Communities Adapted to Acidic Soil.
Soil Syst. 2022, 6, 50.https://
Adapted to Acidic Soil.
Soil Syst. 2022, 6, 50.https://
Faria et al., 2022. Int. J. Plant Biol. 2022, 13, 82-94.
Faria et al., 2022. Agronomy 2022, 12, 2173
M. Costa, P. Barrulas, A.M. Arruda, R. Barbosa, P. Vandenabeele & J. Mirão (2022). New approaches and developments in innovative methodologies to study faience using beads from Southern Portugal. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 46, 103703. DOI: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2022.103703.
Rubio, L., Costa, M., Barrulas, P. et al. Understanding the chemical and mineralogical composition of commercial henna and jagua tattoos and dyes?a multi-analytical approach. Anal Bioanal Chem 414, 6233-6246 (2022).
Costa, M., Dias, L., Rocha, L., Oliveira,
J., Barrulas, P., & Mirão, J. (2022). Lithic arrowheads: Siliceous
raw material sources and technology in Southern Portugal.
Geoarchaeology, 37, 560-573.
Faria et al., 2021. Biol. Life Sci. Forum 2021, 3, 56.
* For more publications, perform a search by author name on Digital Repository of Scientific Publications of UÉ.