Master Degree
Ano Letivo 2025/2026
Course Overview
The Master in Mathematics has as its main objective to provide a solid formation in the fundamental areas of Mathematics and in the field of its applications. Students who have this mathematical background will be able to face complex challenges and will be prepared to solve problems that require abstraction and operative/quantitative activities. They will also have the opportunity to start in scientific research, deepening their knowledge on a specific topic in Mathematics, under the guidance of teachers from the Department of Mathematics and/or researchers from the Center for Research in Mathematics and Applications. In addition, this Master also allows the acquisition of the scientific training necessary to access the Doctoral Program in Mathematics or doctorates in different scientific areas of Science, Engineering and Technology.
Organic Unit:
School of Science and Technology
4 Semesters/120 ECTS credits (15 required and 60 optional in curricular units)
CNAEF Areas:
- Mathematics (461)
Career Prospects
Mathematics is a fundamental science with applications in all areas of knowledge. There is a high rate of employability of professionals in Mathematics, whose training is essential for a developing society. In addition to allowing progression in the professional teaching career, it also allows hiring by companies that require qualitative and quantitative skills in the area; namely banks, insurance companies, cryptographic services, research units or institutes, hospitals, data analysis consultants in industry, medical sciences and engineering. In addition, it allows the continuation of training in a third cycle of studies.
Specific Entry Requirements
This course does not have specific access conditions, applying the general conditions imposed by law.
Access Routes and Applications
Tuition Fees
Annual Tuition Fees
Students from EU countries
1050.00 €
International Students
2500.00 €
International Students with Merit Scholarships
1050.00 €
International Students with Cooperation and Development Grants
1250.00 €
Course Committee
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Official Documentation
Contact Information
Sandra Maria Santos Vinagre []
Academic Manager: Carolina Camarinhas
Academic Services (online): SAC.ONLINE