The MSc in Conservation Biology (MBC-UÉ) prepares professionals with advanced and integrated technical-scientific knowledge of relevant issues in the management and conservation of biological resources.
Considering that its vacancies are filled at a rate of 90 per cent (16 editions), this corresponds to a success rate (number of students who obtain the degree / number of students who wanted to obtain it) of around 80 per cent. These results are an indicator of the success of the MBC-UÉ, which offers the possibility of Erasmus+ mobility programmes.
The MBC-UÉ has contributed to the training of students from various European countries, South America, Africa and Asia, and its internationalisation has been increasing steadily.
Organic Unit:
School of Science and Technology
4 Semesters/120 ECTS credits (33 required and 27 optional in curricular units)
CNAEF Areas:
Biology and biochemistry (421)
Environmental consultancy in the area of nature conservation for local authorities, municipal associations; technical support offices; environmental impact study companies; non-governmental organisations; theme parks; forestry, agricultural and hunting associations or companies; senior technicians in Ecology and Environment for central and regional administrations; Protected Areas offices; technical offices for companies; entrepreneurship in tourism and nature activities; local development associations; applied or fundamental scientific research in research centres, associated and public laboratories.
It should also be remembered that the MBC-UÉ is recognised, for the purposes of article 54 of the Teaching Career Statute (DL no. 270/2009 of 30 September), regulated by Ministerial Order no. 344/2008 of 30 April, for recruitment group 520 of the 3rd cycle of basic education and secondary education.
Candidates with a degree classification (1st cycle) of less than 13 (0 to 20) may not be admitted.