Statistical Modeling and Data Analysis

Master Degree

Ano Letivo 2025/2026

Course Overview

This Master's is aimed at professionals and researchers from various areas (Biology, Health, Environment, Economics, Engineering, Business, Social Sciences, Exact Sciences) who wish to acquire/deepen their knowledge of statistical methodologies and their applications. Its main objectives are: to provide a solid training in statistics with a strong application component, necessary for the performance of a professional activity, possibly integrated in multidisciplinary teams, or for the continuation of studies. To allow professionals, researchers and possible interested parties from different areas, to deepen their statistical knowledge for use in their professional or scientific life. Provide methods and techniques of statistics appropriate for solving real problems. Open research perspectives in different areas of Probability and Statistics. Promote employability, innovation and statistical training of the Portuguese population.
Organic Unit: School of Science and Technology
Duration: 4 Semesters/120 ECTS credits (36 required and 30 optional in curricular units)
Language: Portuguese
Regime: Presencial
CNAEF Areas:
  • Statistics (462)

Career Prospects

Banks; Insurance Companies; Hospitals; Research Institutes; Market Research Companies; National Institute of Statistics; Local and Central Government Administration; Companies with a Department of Statistics and Data Analysis (among others).

Specific Entry Requirements

Candidates must have a higher education degree, at least at a 1st cycle level. Candidates must have completed at least one course unit in Probabilities and Statistics and, through the analysis of their curriculum, demonstrate appropriate training in the field of mathematics.

Access Routes and Applications

Tuition Fees

Annual Tuition Fees

Students from EU countries
1050.00 €
International Students
2500.00 €
International Students with Merit Scholarships
1050.00 €
International Students with Cooperation and Development Grants
1250.00 €

Course Committee

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Contact Information

Director: Lígia Carla Pinto Henriques Jorge Rodrigues []

Academic Manager: Maria Raquel Estudante Fernandes
Academic Services (online): SAC.ONLINE