Management and Conservation of Natural Resources

Master Degree

Ano Letivo 2024/2025

Course Overview

The Master in Management and Conservation of Natural Resources (MGCRN) is jointly taught by the School of Sciences and Technology of the University of Évora (UÉ) and the Institute of Agronomy of the University of Lisbon (ISA) of the University of Lisbon (UL). The 1st and 3rd semester take place at the ISA (Lisbon), preferably from Monday to Wednesday, and the 2nd semester takes place at the UE facilities (Évora and Sines), in a modular regime, not requiring students to maintain a fixed residence in Évora. Accommodation in Sines is free of charge. The MGCRN aims to train professionals in the field of conservation and management of biological natural resources, with a high level of knowledge of the processes and functions that characterize ecosystems. It aims to train professionals capable of responding autonomously and with predictive capacity to situations requiring analysis, diagnosis and justified response to intervention, in the area of management and conservation of natural resources, as well as establishing the link between future managers of natural resources, and users of goods and services of ecosystems. This Masters also seeks to contribute to the technically and scientifically correct conservation and management of plant and animal populations, and terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, as well as to promote the exploitation and sustainable use of natural biological resources, and their restoration in situations of degradation. Finally, it also aims to contribute to a harmonious interaction between human populations and the ecosystems they use.
Course in Association/Partner Institutions:
  • Universidade de Lisboa - Instituto Superior de Agronomia
Organic Unit: School of Science and Technology
Duration: 4 Semesters/120 ECTS credits (75 required and 0 optional in curricular units)
Language: Portuguese
Regime: Presencial
CNAEF Areas:
  • Natural environments and wildlife (852)

Career Prospects

The Master Degree in Natural Resources Management and Conservation contributes to the qualification of professionals that can work in the Local Administration, Government and Central Administration departments dealing with management and conservation of natural resources, private sector (environmental consulting, monitoring, nature tourism, forestry, fish and game), NGOs (e.g. Environmental Protection), and R&D institutions.

Specific Entry Requirements

Candidates should comply with one of the following categories: Holders of a degree in Biology, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Forestry Engineering or any other similar areas of knowledge; Holders of an academic degree obtained in a foreign university corresponding to a first cycle of studies organized in accordance with the Bologna principles; Holders of an academic degree obtained in a foreign university recognized by the Scientific Council of the UÉ´s ECT or by the ISA´s Scientific Council.  All persons that present an educational, scientific or professional CV that is recognized by the Scientific Council of the UÉ or by the ISA´s Scientific Council as having the necessary merit to participate in this master.

Access Routes and Applications

Attribute Type Value
Edital array Array(7)
>curso string '2492'
>edicao NULL
>id string '2411'
>vagas string '17'
>vagas_internacionais string '3'
>vagas_por_especialidade boolean false
>vagas_por_instrumento boolean false
Students from EU countries
Initial Places: 17
International Students
Initial Places: 3

Tuition Fees

Annual Tuition Fees

Students from EU countries
1063.47 €
International Students
3000.00 €

Course Committee

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Information not available.


Contact Information

Director: Pedro R. Almeida []

Academic Manager: Dora Alexandra Louro
Academic Services (online): SAC.ONLINE