
Master Degree

Ano Letivo 2025/2026

Course Overview

The Master in Music aims to train musicians who develop an autonomous career of high level of artistic demand, whether as a solo career, or as an orchestral or another type of ensemble performer. On the other hand, it seeks to develop research capacities for the renewal of repertoires at national and international levels, as well as it aims to explore the relationships between performer and composer, promoting research according to international standards and practices. It also allows the acquisition of specific skills for access to Higher Education in Music´s 3rd Cycle, in the Areas of Performance and Composition. The two Areas of Specialization are Composition and Performance. The Performance Area is divided in the following Specific Formations (Instruments): Accordion; Tuba*; Euphonium*; Voice; Flute; Recorder*; Oboe; Baroque Oboe*; Clarinet; Bassoon; Organ*; Harpsichord*; Trumpet*; Trombone*; Horn; Guitar; Portuguese Guitar*; Percussion; Piano; Saxophone; Violin*; Baroque Violin*; Viola; Baroque Viola*; Viola da Gamba*; Cello; Baroque Cello*; Double Bass*; Jazz Voice; Jazz Flute; Jazz Clarinet; Jazz Trumpet; Jazz Saxophone; Jazz Trombone; Jazz Guitar*; Jazz Piano; Jazz Vibraphone*; Jazz Double Bass; Jazz Electric Bass; Jazz Drums.
* - Specific Formations (Instruments) not available in the Academic Year 2024/2025
Organic Unit: School of Fine Arts
Duration: 4 Semesters/120 ECTS credits (60 required and 12 optional in curricular units)
Language: Portuguese, English
Regime: Presencial
CNAEF Areas:
  • Music and performing arts (212)

Career Prospects

Composers; Soloist Musicians; Orchestra Musicians; of Wind Bands or other Ensemble Types; prepares for a career in Higher Education, University or Polytechnic, in Portugal or abroad; allows pursuit of continuing studies at a 3rd Cycle (PhD) level, in the fields of Performance and Composition.

Specific Entry Requirements

- Holders of a Music Degree or equivalent qualification.
- Minimum grade of 12 points in the Interview. The interview includes a specific access exam in the instrument selected by the candidate.

Access Routes and Applications

Tuition Fees

Annual Tuition Fees

Students from EU countries
1200.00 €
International Students
2500.00 €
International Students with Merit Scholarships
1200.00 €
International Students with Cooperation and Development Grants
1400.00 €

Course Committee

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Contact Information

Director: Mauro Dilema []

Academic Manager: Ana Coca
Academic Services (online): SAC.ONLINE