History and Philosophy of Science - Museology
Doctoral Degree
Ano Letivo 2025/2026
Course Overview
Develop skills, skills and advanced research methods in the scientific field of History and Philosophy of Science, allowing a specialization in Museology. In the context of historical knowledge, current philosophical and scientific, History and Philosophy of Science has raised an increasing interest, both in the strictly academic context still want in various ways in our society, relevant to the political, economic and cultural, whose decisions they are strongly influenced and conditioned by technical and scientific development. Many decision-makers need to know in their multidisciplinary implications, the origin of this knowledge, its historical background, its relationship with the socio-economic and cultural context in theirs daily work context.
The FCT unit research of scientific support is Institute of Contemporary History - Research Group Science of Evora Universality . Las evaluation - Very Good IHC - CEHFCi-U.E. http://ihc.fcsh.unl.pt/
https://pt-pt.facebook.com, and also with the scientific support of CIDEHUS-UE.
This Phd programae deals with the sicentific porjects managed bt the unit reserch and by the scientific supoort of the U.E.
- History and archaeology (225)
Specific Entry Requirements
Initial training areas: humanities and social sciences; exact ,biological and natural sciences; information and communication sciences; medical and health sciences; engineering sciences.
Master degree is mandatory or as alternative to have a very relevant scientific, academic or professional CV.
Access Routes and Applications
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Tuition Fees
Annual Tuition Fees
Course Committee
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