Functional Rehabilitation

Name: Functional Rehabilitation
Code: ENF13907L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Health Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


Theoretical and practical foundations of functional rehabilitation.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

-Understand the psychomotor intervention based on the International Classification of Functionality model; Know the methodologies for assessing functionality:
-Understand a problem of increasing the number of years of life, associated with the main neurological and respiratory changes;
-Understand the principles of the psychomotor intervention process applied to people aged 65 and over, at the level of the functional development process;
-Know the appropriate rules for people with changes in functionality;
-Analyzes factors involved in the rehabilitation process of people with comorbidities;
-Evaluates functionality based on the International Classification of Functionality;
-Characterizes psychomotor intervention in specific and preventive situations of the limitations of autonomy and improvement of sources;
-Demonstrates knowledge in the mobilization of people, positions and in the use of auxiliary means of walking.


Fundamentals of Functional Rehabilitation.
Community resources to support people with functional deficits: National Network of Continuing Care; Residential Structures for the Elderly; Day Centers; Home support services.
Principles of the International Classification of Functionality and strategies for stimulating self-care.
Self-care promoting interventions: guiding principles for correct body mechanics; Notions of Joint Mobilization; Positions; Bed mobility.
March training, complications, walking aids, Canadian, walking sticks, wheelchairs.
Interventions related to ventilation, exercises and dissociation of respiratory times.

Teaching Methods

Teaching methodologies are oriented to the designated themes. There will be opportunities for individual and group reflection, within the scope of each thematic module, using the techniques of group work, guided reading. It is always mandatory to research the themes in databases to integrate the latest scientific evidence in learning.
As the curricular unit has a laboratory practice component, there will be moments to demonstrate and train the techniques. Besides, students are encouraged to reinforce the training in the laboratory with the support of the teachers.
The continuous assessment regime involves the practical assessment of the functional rehabilitation techniques (having to be equal to or higher than 10 values; with a weighting of 50% of the final grade) and the theoretical assessment (corresponding to 50%) that may result from a test or a group work (more than 10 values).
Assessment through final exam involves a theoretical (50%) and practical (50%) test.