Motor Development

Name: Motor Development
Code: DES10656L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Human Kinetics

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


This course introduces the field of motor behavior, emphasizing the development of motor skills throughout life. It follows a systemic approach, analyzing the main factors responsible for changes in motor development and emphasizing intervention strategies.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

a) Students should know/understand:
• the fundamental components of the motor development process, following an interdisciplinary approach to human development.
• the motor development process from different historical and theoretical perspectives: maturational, informational, normative-descriptive, dynamic and ecological.
• the lifespan changes in motor, perceptual-motor skills, physical capabilities and organic systems.
• the variability of the development process, as well as the main influences from intrinsic and extrinsic variables.

b) Students should also acquire the following skills and competencies:
• use various techniques for assessing motor development, both for describing phenomena and inform practical interventions in the motor behavior field
• plan and implement (in different contexts) programs for the development of motor skills, adjusted to the characteristics of the participants.


• Fundamental concepts: growth, maturation, learning, adaptation and development
• Theoretical perspectives: Maturational, normative-descriptive, informational and ecological/dynamic perspectives
• Development of body systems
Muscular, skeletal, adipose and nervous systems
• Development of motor skills
Reflex and spontaneous movements
Rudimentary and fundamental motor skills
• Socio-cultural constraints in MD
Significant people and social contexts
• Relationships between physical activity, motor skills and health
Tracking of variables through development
• Relationship between motor and cognitive development
• MD and aging
Functional physical fitness
Balance and mobility
Physical activity and cognitive functioning
• Developmental programs in the field of MD in different contexts and ages
• MD assessment
Norm- and criterion-referenced
Validity and reliability
Graphical representation (growth curves)
Study designs and types
Test of gross motor development
KTK Test

Teaching Methods

There will be a theoretical (120 min) and a TP (60) min weekly. The theoretical classes are based on the scientific method, valuing information research and a critical attitude of students. These classes are carefully aligned with the resources available in moodle (many of them in video format and web pages) in order to promote the student’s autonomy and asynchronous learning.

In the TP classes, several application / intervention activities are carried out. Students will perform several worksheets on the topics covered and will have the opportunity to discuss their content in the class. They will work (in small groups) in the construction / discussion of motion observation grids, which will be applied in the fieldwork. Finally, during the TP classes, students will plan interventions aimed at specific contexts and populations.

Assessment (continuous or exam) includes test(s) and one fieldwork.