Social Networks

Name: Social Networks
Code: GES11437M
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Management

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- To identify the importance and role of the digital markets;
- To describe the major challenges that the models of digital business lay to the organizations;
- Categorize the different forms of presence on the Internet;
- To define and plan the presence on the Social Networks.

- Domain the specific concepts of electronic business and electronic government;
- Ability to define the type of presence on the Internet appropriate to a certain organization;
- Ability to intervene in processes of development of the presence in the Social Networks.


1. The digital markets.
2. The digital business models.
3. The Social Networks.

Teaching Methods

The classroom sessions will be theoretical, combining the exposure of the theoretical concepts with the analysis/discussion of ideas.
The support documentation is available on the platform of e-learning of the University.
The student can opt for the continuous assessment, with 1 group work , or by the system of examination, with 1 individual work.
In the work (group or individual) it has to be presented a plan for the presence in the Social Networks for a specific organization (and the organization have to be identified and characterized).

Teaching Staff