Ethics and Deontology in Nursing

Name: Ethics and Deontology in Nursing
Code: FIL14516L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Philosophy

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


A Curricular Unit allows the development of competences in the scope of Ethics, of the ethical values ​​underlying the fundamental principles of acting ethically correctly.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

We want students:

1. To delimit the scope of Ethics.
2. To identify the ethical values underlying the fundamental principles of ethically actions.
3. To understand the place of a general Theory of Duties within the Ethics.
4. To distinguish great historical trends with regard to the duties.
5. To relate bioethical questions with Nursing profession.
6. To understand the regulatory standards of conduct for Nursing as an application of ethical principles to their professional practices.
7. To know current professional situations as well as the complexity of those who benefit of their care.
8. To develop the ability to justify ethically the decisions to be taken in specific professional situations.
9. To improve the sensitivity and the critical discernment essential to take care of other human beings – especially patients – as persons, without discrimination of any kind and understanding every man and every woman inserted in his or her family and in the wider community.


I - Ethics as a disciplinary scope of Philosophy
II - Ethical values and agency principles
III – Nursing and bioethical issues
IV - Deontology as a field of Ethics
V - Ethical dilemmas and team decision making
VI - Nursing professionals’ guidelines and codes

Teaching Methods

a) Exposure (to introduce concepts, themes and ethical issues);
b) Hermeneutics of texts;
c) Discussion and argumentation;
d) Assessment (written and oral): continuous, consisting of two written tests (40% each) and level of participation in classes (20%); or final examination: consisting of a written test (100%), or written test and oral test for students with grade between 8 and 10 in the written test.