Partnerships and Cooperation Networks

Name: Partnerships and Cooperation Networks
Code: ECN13499M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Economy

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The importance of cooperation between private and/or public bodies is currently recognized by firms, the academia and in public policies. Cooperation is motivated by economic, technological or strategic reasons and it is used for the production and dissemination of knowledge and innovation. This course focuses on the cooperation between private and/or public bodies of different nature, which is motivated by the potential economic return it can bring to the partners, namely at the competitive, growth and development levels.
At the end of the course students should be able to:
- Understand the diversity and relevance of the forms of cooperation between public and/or private bodies;
- Identify the advantages of partnerships in the implementation of projects;
- Justify the motivation and relevance of public policies in support of cooperation, particularly in the areas of science, technology and innovation;
- Identify the risks and difficulties the cooperative projects involve.


1. Introduction
2. Economics, markets and cooperation
3. Public policy and cooperation
4. Interfirm cooperation
5. University-industry cooperation and research partnerships
6. Public-private partnerships

Teaching Methods

The classroom sessions are theoretical-practical by combining the presentation of theory with application examples. The sessions include the discussion of practical cooperation situations, a group work and its oral discussion at the end of the semester. Teaching methods include:
- the theoretical exposition in the classroom assisted by PowerPoint slides;
- the use of the Internet for real-time access to relevant documents and websites;
- analysis and discussion of empirical cases from news, articles, reports and documents;
- presentation and discussion in classroom of group works;
- carry out of practical questions over the semester which become available on the Moodle course page;

The course assessment has three main components:
- Practical questions (15%)
- Group work (50%);
- Written exam at the end of the semester (35%);
- Final exam (100%).

Teaching Staff