Methods and Tools of Assessment

Name: Methods and Tools of Assessment
Code: DES13906L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Human Kinetics

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English, Spanish
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


Assessment is an essential step of any psychomotor intervention. In this UC students learn to determine what to assess, how to assess, how to interpret and how to communicate the results.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

It is intended that students:

- Understand the importance of assessment, as a support for psychomotor intervention;
- Know the theoretical assumptions of assessment methods in psychomotor intervention and of the selection and construction of new assessment instruments;

(develop the following Competencies)
- Selection of assessment methods and instruments considering the specificities of the evaluated person;
- Administration of the main methods of assessment in psychomotricity;
- Application of the main assessment instruments in the different areas of intervention of the psychomotor therapist;
- Compliance with the psychomotor therapist’s ethical and deontological code, specifically regarding the acts of diagnosis and evaluation.


. The evaluation process in psychomotor intervention:
a. Assessment goals
b. Assessment methods: anamnesis, interview, observation, standardized and non-standardized instruments
c. Assessment tools: norm-referenced and criteria-referenced
d. The psychometric properties of the assessment instruments
e. Planning an assessment
f. The attitude of the psychomotor therapist in the assessment
g. Interpretation and communication of the assessment results
h. The psychomotor assessment report

II. Assessment Instruments
a The assessment of Child Development
b. The assessment of the Psychomotor Domain
c. The assessment of the Emotional Domain
d. The assessment of Executive Functions

Teaching Methods

T classes are based on lecturing methods, using digital resources, also enabling students' critical and reflective attitude. T classes are carefully aligned with the resources available in Moodle to promote their autonomy and asynchronous learning.
P classes are dedicated to the theoretical and practical approach to specific assessment instruments. In these classes, students observe the application of the different instruments, apply the instruments in groups with the supervision of the professors, and perform the scoring and interpretation of the results, preparing their communication.
Continuous assessment involves a psychomotor assessment of a child/teenager with typical development, and the respective report (80%), as well as an essay about the assessment process in psychomotor practice (20%).
The assessment by exam involves a written (45%) and a practical (55%) test.