Applied Physical-Chemistry

Name: Applied Physical-Chemistry
Code: QUI13730I
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Chemistry

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


The unit Applied Physical Chemistry aims to provide students with a comprehensive and integrated approach of the basic theoretical concepts and practical applications of Physical Chemistry in Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This curricular unit aims to provide students with a comprehensive and integrated approach of the basic theoretical concepts and practical applications of Physical Chemistry in Pharmaceutical Sciences. It is intended to address three major areas of Physical Chemistry, namely thermodynamics, kinetics and heterogeneous systems. At the end students should know and understand the fundamental concepts and principles of thermodynamics, kinetics and heterogeneous systems necessary to understand chemical, biochemical and technological phenomena; know and understand the importance and the central role played by Physical Chemistry in the explanation and interpretation of phenomena occurring in many areas of science and technology; link the knowledge acquired with the Pharmaceutical Sciences; apply concepts in problem solving, presenting reasoning and solutions in a scientifically correct way.


1- Introduction to Physical Chemistry and its applications to Pharmaceutical Sciences
2- Fundamental Concepts of Thermodynamics (Zero principle of thermodynamics; First principle of thermodynamics; Thermochemistry; Second and third laws of thermodynamics; Meaning of entropy; Gibbs energy; Application of Gibbs function and entropy to biological systems; Biochemical applications of thermodynamics).
3- Chemical Kinetics (Reaction kinetic; Kinetic equation; Reaction mechanisms and velocity equations; Interpretation of the reaction mechanism based on thermodynamic and kinetic parameters; Heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis; Enzymatic kinetics; Michaelis-Menten and Lineweaver-Burk equations; drug stability).
4- Binary mixtures and heterogeneous systems (Phase diagrams; Definition of heterogeneous systems; Micelles, vesicles, liposomes, membranes and others; Interaction of drugs with heterogeneous systems; Application of heterogeneous systems in Pharmaceutical Sciences).

Teaching Methods

Teaching and learning is based on the individual work of the student, supported by the recommended reading and by the notes taken by the students during the contact hours and during individual research by the student himself, whenever possible, in the facilities equipment of the University. The classes are not purely expository but accompanied by practical activities and interspersed with classes for the orientation of the learning process.

The assessment will be based in two components, a theoretical component (60%) and a project component (40%). The approval in the theoretical component can be achieved by one final exam or by partial exams. The approval in the project component is obtained by the elaboration of written reports and by oral presentations and discussion of some proposed activities.