Introduction to the Pharmaceutical Profession

Name: Introduction to the Pharmaceutical Profession
Code: CMS13737I
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Ciências Farmacêuticas

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


The curricular unit Introduction to the Pharmaceutical Profession aims to provide theoretical knowledge about the evolution of the pharmacy in its relationship with drugs and curative activities until the autonomy of the profession of apothecary and pharmacist.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This curricular unit has as main objective to provide theoretical knowledge about the evolution of the pharmacy in its relationship with drugs and curative activities until the autonomy of the profession of apothecary and pharmacist.
It also intends to develop in the student’s skills to use the appropriate concepts on the subjects under study, to write and present a text correctly and to develop autonomous work projects.
Recognize the role of the pharmacist throughout his evolution as a professional and today; as a fundamental part of multidisciplinary teams in health and society in general.


From apothecary to pharmacist: concepts, chronologies and periodization’s;
Prehistoric and ancient therapies;
Health workers and activities in Europe

Portugal in the European context. Informal and formal education;
Social search and career opportunities: apothecaries;
Apothecaries, apothecaries, druggists and colonial medicines in the Trade Age;
Scientific revolution and its implications for therapeutic practices. Pharmacopoeias;
“Fake remedies and illusory secrets”: professional control of apothecaries, doctors and witchdoctors in the 18th century;
The beginning of institutional pharmacy education (19th century);
Pharmaceutical associations and defense of the profession;
University pharmaceutical teaching.

Scientific and professional dimensions of Pharmaceutical Sciences;
Socio-economic impact of the medicine.
Community and hospital pharmacy;
Primary health care;
Pharmaceutical industry and distribuition;
Clinical and Environmental Analysis;
National Authority.

Teaching Methods

The classes are predominantly theoretical-practical and the teaching methodologies are diversified, seeking to encourage students to participate and collaborate learning. To do this, use:
a) critical reading of the recommended bibliography and / or other teaching materials, encouraging students to participate in discussion forums created in the context of the class;
b) organization, systematization and presentation of the information presented by the teacher and / or researched by the students;
c) carrying out study visits to the Pharmacy Museum and the Hospital de São José;
d) use of the moodle platform to accommodate the materials made available by the teacher and to develop teaching activities with the participation of students.

Continuous evaluation with participation in workshops and debate sessions organized in the classroom (15%); study visit reports (15%); performance of a work (10%) and its oral presentation (20%) and Frequency (50%) or alternatively Exam (100%).