
Name: Recital
Code: MUS12930D
Duration: 30 weeks/858 hours
Scientific Area: Music

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Based on solid scientific research, the student will develop skills for the reasoning of technical (and aesthetic) choices for musical performance.

Consolidation of leadership and effective transmission of musical ideas with other intervenients in the context of a musical performance.

The student will also acquire high-level competences in the context stage presentation and public communication at the highest performative level.


At the end of the course, the student will present a recital with the duration of 60 minutes. In this performance, the student must demonstrate an excellent technical/artistic level.

The recital program should be mainly related to a pre-defined musicology topic. However, in order for the recital to be sustainable as an independent artistic moment, part of the works presented may not be directly related to the chosen topic.

Considering the importance of originality in the work carried out in a doctoral program, it should be ensured that some of the pieces to be presented will be studied and prepared for the first time during the course of this unit.

Teaching Methods

Instrument weekly lesson.

Evaluation through the performance of a recital at the end of the academic year.