Space Analysis

Name: Space Analysis
Code: PAO00769L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Geography

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Description and evaluation of the fundamental computational models for the representation and storage of geographic information
Description of fundamental spatial analysis processes and operations in geographical information systems.
Evaluation of spatial data models considering their potential for spatial analysis operations.
Evaluation of the implications of spatial data model characteristics for the definition of GIS applications and geographic modelling.
Evaluation of potential future developments and research directions in relation to spatial data models and spatial analysis.


Geographic representation: Evaluation of the different representation metaphors and an introduction to a systemic approach to representation metaphors.
Spatial data models: Detailed analysis of vectorial model, raster model and other data models.
Unique layer spatial operations: Neighbourhood analysis, buffering, masks and filtering.
Multiple layer spatial operations: Overlay analysis and geoprocessing operations.
Dimensionality of geographic data: 3-dimensional models and an introduction to time modelling.
Conceptual design of data models and geographic modelling: Geographic modelling concepts and flowcharts design including map algebra operations.
Network analysis: Shortest path analysis, service area, cost distance functions
Future perspectives: New spatial data models, new models for spatial relations and new spatial analysis processes.

Teaching Methods

The teaching method is based in the presentation of theoretical concepts and associated methodologies following the general structure of the course materials, complemented with the development of practical exercices in geographical information systems application environment.
The course materials provided include the fundamental theoretical concepts, self-evaluation exercises, scientific papers and other relevant documentation.
The assessment method is based in the following mandatory elements:
Examination - 50%
The final examination covers the whole course program and is divided into two sections - short questions with multiple choice answer options and open questions;
Final project - 50%
The final project is presented accordingly to an established structure, aiming to describe the design of a GI data model for spatial analysis operations.