Within Europe

Mobility within the European space is promoted by the Erasmus+ programme and Santander Scholarships.

The ERASMUS+  programme promotes international training, giving INcoming and OUTgoing  students, academic and non-academic staff  the opportunity to experience new challenges,  fostering development, the acquisition and sharing of knowledge/know-how and experiences, and to be aware of the importance of cross-border international collaboration. The programme offers students from higher education institutions the possibility of studying or taking a internship, with guarantee of academic recognition, at an educational establishment, business or institution of another programme eligible country. This programme enhances their employability and allows them to improve their language skills, strengthen their self-confidence, and immerse in a new culture.

Erasmus+ aims at going beyond these programmes, by promoting synergies and cross-fertilisation throughout the different fields of education, training and youth, removing artificial boundaries between the various Actions and project formats, fostering new ideas, attracting new actors from the world of work and civil society, and stimulating new forms of cooperation.

See the Protocols / Agreements of the University of Évora  for each of the programmes under which mobility may be carried out within Europe.

Under the Erasmus + Programme the consortium for mobility in Higher Education "Consortium Advanced Computing - HPC, HPDA, AI & HPV" was accredited, consisting of the following national institutions: Universidade de Évora, Universidade dos Açores, Universidade do Algarve, Universidade de Aveiro, Universidade da Beira Interior, Universidade de Coimbra, Universidade de Lisboa, Universidade da Madeira, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Instituto Politécnico de Beja, Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra and Instituto Politécnico de Leiria,

1st Stage - Out mobility applications for students, doctoral candidates, recent doctoral candidates and staff (teaching and non-teaching staff): February 17 to March 31, 2022 - Extended until May 30, 2022 - See Public Notice

2nd Call - Mobility applications for Outgoing students: 9 January to 22 February, 2023 - See Public Notice

Permanent applications - 2021 Project - Mobility applications for Outgoing doctoral candidates, recent doctoral candidates and staff (teaching and non-teaching): 1 September, 2022 to 30 September, 2023 - See Public Notice

Permanent applications - 2022 Project - Mobility applications for Outgoing doctoral candidates, recent doctoral candidates and staff (teaching and non-teaching): 10 October, 2023 to 31 May, 2024 - See Public Notice

Permanent applications - 2024 Project - Mobility applications for Outgoing doctoral candidates, recent doctoral candidates and staff (teaching and non-teaching): 19 August, 2024 to 31 May, 2026 - See Public Notice - https://gdoc.uevora.pt/924481

 Project/Contract - 2024-1-PT01-KA131-HED-000216329

The project "Consortium Advanced Computing - HPC, HPDA, AI & HPV" was approved in the scope of the Erasmus + Program, Education and Training 2021 - Higher Education - Action KA131 - Mobility for Learning Purposes, runs from june 1 of 2024 to july 31, 2026 and allows the mobility OUT of students, PhD students, recent doctoral candidates, teaching and non-teaching staff of the consortium member universities to countries of the Program.

Project/Contract - 2022-1-PT01-KA131-HED-000067571

The project "Consortium Advanced Computing - HPC, HPDA, AI & HPV" was approved in the scope of the Erasmus + Program, Education and Training 2021 - Higher Education - Action KA131 - Mobility for Learning Purposes, runs from june 1 of 2022 to july 31, 2024 and allows the mobility OUT of students, PhD students, recent doctoral candidates, teaching and non-teaching staff of the consortium member universities to countries of the Program.

 Project/Contract - 2021-1-PT01-KA131-HED-000008876

The project "Consortium Advanced Computing - HPC, HPDA, AI & HPV" was approved in the scope of the Erasmus + Program, Education and Training 2021 - Higher Education - Action KA131 - Mobility for Learning Purposes, runs from September 1, 2021 to October 31, 2023 and allows the mobility OUT of students, PhD students, recent doctoral candidates, teaching and non-teaching staff of the consortium member universities to countries of the Program.


Staff Mobility

  Amount of Scholarship - Contribution to Travel Costs

                Travel Distances                           Normal Travel                 Amount Ecological Trip

  • Between 10 and 99 km             EUR   23 per participant 
  • Between 100 and 499 km         EUR 180 per participant   EUR 210 per participant
  • Between 500 and 1999 km       EUR 275 per participant   EUR 320 per participant
  • Between 2000 and 2999 km     EUR 360 per participant   EUR 410 per participant
  • Between 3000 and 3999 km     EUR 530 per participant   EUR 610 per participant
  • Between 4000 and 7999 km     EUR 820 per participant 
  • 8000 km and over 1500            EUR        per participant 


NOTE: the "travel distance" represents the distance between the origin and destination locations, while the "amount" covers the contribution for the outward and return trip.


NOTE: Students and recent graduates who do not receive travel support may opt for green travel. In that case, they will receive a one-time contribution of 50 EUR as a top-up amount to the individual support and up to 4 days of additional individual support to cover the travel days for a round trip, if applicable.


Amount of the grant - Individual support for Physical Mobility


Host Country         Daily rate (EUR)

  • Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden                              130

Partner Countries in Region 14

  • Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain   115

Partner Countries from Region 5

  • Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia,                 100

Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey


Mobility of Higher Education Students


Student mobility for studies, except students from Ultra-peripheral Countries and Regions and Overseas Countries and Territories


Host country Student mobility       Monthly amount (EUR)

  • Group 1    400

Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden

Partner Countries in the Region 14

  • Group 2    350

Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands,

Portugal, Spain

Partner Countries in the Region 5

  • Group 3    300

Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia,

Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey


Mobility for studies of students from Ultra-peripheral Countries and Regions and Overseas Countries and Territories


Mobility from: Outermost regions and Overseas Countries and Territories 

To: Programme Countries and Partner Countries from regions 5 and 14

Amount: 700 EUR per month

The University of Évora participates in Erasmus+ Programme projects through which its students and staff can gain international experience and improve their teaching and learning processes in line with best practices developed by other institutions.

The mobility of students, faculty and non-academic staff is in line with and draws on the priority objectives of the University of Évora in terms of internationalisation, thus promoting the European dimension and quality of university education provided.

PROJECT/CONTRACT - 2023-1-PT01-KA131-0000128192

This project was accredited under the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme 2019 Education and Training – Higher Education – Action KA103 – Learning Mobility of Individuals, and runs from 01/06/2023 to  31/05/2025 . It enables outgoing mobility of students, academic and non-academic staff  of the University of Évora to programme countries, in the various fields of training and activity offered by the University of Évora. 

PROJECT/CONTRACT - 2022-1-PT01-KA131-000056458

This project was accredited under the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme 2019 Education and Training – Higher Education – Action KA103 – Learning Mobility of Individuals, and runs from 01/06/2022 to  31/07/2023  . It enables outgoing mobility of students, academic and non-academic staff   of the University of Évora to programme countries, in the various fields of training and activity offered by the University of Évora.

PROJECT/CONTRACT - 2021-1-PT01-KA131-000004858

This project was accredited under the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme 2019 Education and Training – Higher Education – Action KA103 – Learning Mobility of Individuals, and runs from 01/09/2021 to  31/10/2023  . It enables outgoing mobility of students, academic and non-academic staff   of the University of Évora to programme countries, in the various fields of training and activity offered by the University of Évora.

PROJECT/CONTRACT - 2020-1-PT01-KA103-077732

This project was accredited under the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme 2019 Education and Training – Higher Education – Action KA103 – Learning Mobility of Individuals, and runs from 01/06/2020 to  31/05/2022  . It enables outgoing mobility of students, academic and non-academic staff   of the University of Évora to programme countries, in the various fields of training and activity offered by the University of Évora.




For more information, please contact: mobility@uevora.pt

The Erasmus Al Sud Consortium      – Connecting regions, creating worlds       was established in 2012 under the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme by the Universities of Algarve, Évora and Lisbon, and by the Polytechnic Institutes of Beja and Setúbal, and encompasses an academic community of 77,624 students, 6,416 teachers, and 3,311 non-academic  staff.

The setting up of this partnership arose from the need to create a mechanism in the south of Portugal to increase the mobility opportunities available to students, Academic and non-academic staff from higher education institutions located in this geographical area.

The mission of the Al Sud Consortium is to promote a fruitful connection between university and polytechnic institutions, the strengthening relations between national and European higher education institutions, and between these and the national business network. Its purpose is to also promote the mobility of students and newly graduates from partner institutions to carry out periods of study and traineeships abroad.

PROJECT/CONTRACT - “AL SUD” CONSORTIUM - 2023-1-PT01-KA131-0000136411:

This Erasmus Al Sud Consortium was accredited under the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme 2019 Education and Training – Higher Education – Action KA103 – Learning Mobility of Individuals, and runs from 01/06/2023 to 31/07/2025 . It enables outgoing mobility of students  , academic and non-academic staff  of the University of Évora to programme countries, in the various fields of training and activity of the University of Évora.

PROJECT/CONTRACT - “AL SUD” CONSORTIUM - 2022-1-PT01-KA131-000061155:

This Erasmus Al Sud Consortium was accredited under the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme 2019 Education and Training – Higher Education – Action KA103 – Learning Mobility of Individuals, and runs from 01/06/2022 to 31/07/2024  . It enables outgoing mobility of students  , academic and non-academic staff  of the University of Évora to programme countries, in the various fields of training and activity of the University of Évora.

PROJECT/CONTRACT - “AL SUD” CONSORTIUM - 2021-1-PT01-KA131-000011412:

This Erasmus Al Sud Consortium was accredited under the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme 2019 Education and Training – Higher Education – Action KA103 – Learning Mobility of Individuals, and runs from 01/09/2021 to 31/10/2023 . It enables outgoing mobility of students  , academic and non-academic staff  of the University of Évora to programme countries, in the various fields of training and activity of the University of Évora.


This Erasmus Al Sud Consortium was accredited under the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme 2019 Education and Training – Higher Education – Action KA103 – Learning Mobility of Individuals, and runs from 01/06/2020 to 31/05/2022 . It enables outgoing mobility of students  , academic and non-academic staff  of the University of Évora to programme countries, in the various fields of training and activity of the University of Évora.


This Erasmus Al Sud Consortium was accredited under the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme 2019 Education and Training – Higher Education – Action KA103 – Learning Mobility of Individuals, and runs from 01/06/2019 to 31/05/2021 . It enables outgoing mobility of students  , academic and non-academic staff  of the University of Évora to programme countries, in the various fields of training and activity of the University of Évora.


The Erasmus Al Sud Consortium was accredited under the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, Education and Training 2019 – Higher Education – Action KA103 – Learning Mobility of Individuals, and runs from 01/06/2018 to 31/05/2020 . It enables outgoing mobility of students  , academic and non-academic staff  of the University of Évora to the programme countries, in the various fields of training and activity offered by the University of Évora.

The consortium for mobility in higher education “High Performance Computing and High Performance Data Analytics - HPC+HPDA”  was accredited under the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, comprising the following national institutions: University of Évora, University of Coimbra, University of Algarve, and Nova University of Lisbon.

3rd Application Stage for Mobility OUT for Students and Staff (teaching and non-teaching):  from October 8th to November 15th, 2021 - see Call

2nd Phase Applications for Mobility Out for Students and Staff (Teachers and Non-Teachers)  : January 15th to February 15th, 2021 - extension of the deadline until april 30, 2021 and the placement of the results until may 31, 2021- See NOTICE

1st Phase Applications for Mobility In and Out for Students and Staff (academic and non-academic ):  3 to 28 February 2020 (deadline extended until march 16) - See Call


PROJECT/CONTRACT - 2019-1-PT01-KA103-060660:

Project 2019-1-PT01-KA103-060660   , entitled High Performance Computing and High Performance Data Analytics - HPC+HPDA,   was accredited under the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, 2019 Education and Training – Higher Education – Action KA103 – Learning Mobility of Individuals, and runs from 01/06/2019 to 31/05/2021. It enables outgoing mobility of students, academic and non-academic staff  of the consortium university partners to programme countries.

First-cycle, second-cycle and Integrated Master students of the University of Évora can apply to the “Santander Universidades” Latin-American Scholarship Programme, under the conditions set out in the respective Regulations , to carry out a period of study at a partner university in a Latin-American country or in Spain, in particular Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay and Spain.

This Programme follows from a specific cooperation arrangement between the University of Évora and Banco Santander, which provides for the award of scholarships for Latin American countries and Spain and aims to help students pursue their education for one academic semester at a Latin-American university.

The purpose  of the Santander for Erasmus Scholarship is to provide

a financial supplement of € 1000 (one thousand euros), to university students who are going to undertake mobility under the Erasmus + Programme, thus promoting the mobility and training of students in the European Union and their employability before, during and after their international experience

It is not allowed to accumulate Santander mobility grants in the current academic year, however, it is possible to accumulate with other grants or private or public support


Undergraduate, Master or Integrated Master students enrolled at the University of Évora, who will undertake a period of study mobility under the ERASMUS+ program in a foreign Higher Education Institution can apply for this grant, according to the respective Regulation "Santander Scholarships for Erasmus 2022  - 1st Edition 2022" and the following conditions

- Be enrolled and registered at the University of Évora in the academic year during which mobility will take place;

- The mobility can only be carried out by students who have successfully completed a minimum of 60 ECTS in the case of 1st cycle and IM, and a minimum of 30 ECTS in the case of 2nd cycle students;

- Have passed the academic year preceding the mobility in accordance with the RAUÉ (Academic Regulations of the UÉ);

- Have a mobility application under the ERASMUS+ Programme;

- Presentation of a motivation letter demonstrating the importance of the SANTANDER for ERASMUS Scholarship in their personal and professional development (Maximum 1 A4 page);

- Presentation of proof of economic - financial situation confirming their need of the scholarship to pursue the studies;

Presentation of the Curriculum Vitae describing the student academic achievement, social or sports activities, civic work or family assistance.


The application must be submitted online, until 11:59 pm of the 30th  of June of 2022, on the corporate platform:  www.bolsas-santander.com/pt