Livestock Facilities Monitoring and Control

Name: Livestock Facilities Monitoring and Control
Code: ERU12713M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Rural Engineering

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Students should be able to analyze the animal housing lay-out to understand the operation of the
monitoring and control systems inherent in this type of installation. They should correct aspects related to
space conditioning and space organization and environmental control in order to improve the efficiency of
the production system. It is also intended to provide students with the skills and tools to support the
decision-making necessary to act in the scope of equipment analysis and selection.


1. Working principles of several kind of animal buildings
2. Monitoring of use of space and of animal welfare /sensors application and image and vocalization of
behavioural outcomes).
3. Environmental control techniques (mass and thermal balances; ventilation, heating and refrigeration)
4.Integration and control of systems (information transfer from weather stations to environmental control
equipment; information transfer from animal to environmental control equipment. Equipments integrated
Management, Alert mechanisms and decision support sistems.

Teaching Methods

Theoretical-practical classes. Seminars: experts will be invited on certain subjects in order to allow the
deepening of some subjects.

Evaluation with written tests and with pratical working reports.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )