Olive and Olive Oil Research Seminars

Name: Olive and Olive Oil Research Seminars
Code: FIT13802M
Duration: 30 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Agronomy, Agricultural and Food Engineering

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- developing adapted skills to obtain information about the state of the art on the different domains of olive oil and olive orchard production and management,
- deeply understand techniques and methodologies of research, and applied work on the previous domains,
- know how to apply the acquired knowledge for problem-solving in specific contexts.

-to develop capacities for problem solution in research or in applied work contexts,
-to develop a research or an applied theme since the data acquisition until the interpretation of final the results,
-to use the tools, the techniques and the most correct methodologies for the analyses of specific questions,
-do improve the capacity for presentation and technical sustentation of the work developed.


This curricular unit was created to support the students on the elaboration of their master thesis during the 2nd year of the Master in Olive and Olive Oil Production. Tutorial sections include; -debates on subjects which can be used to prepare a master thesis and on its organization and contents;-presentation of the thesis evolution along the year if possible with the presence of the student adviser.-special sections with invited speakers.

Teaching Methods

Seminars with 4 hours duration with active student participation constitute the classes of this curricular unit. Classification will be qualitative (Approved/Reproved) and will reflect the quality of a20 minutes presentation of master thesis work. The presentation will be done in presence of a jury including the CU professors and the student adviser, whenever possible, and the following subject will be appreciated:- Presentation capacity and time planning- Quality of the data presented concerning their acquisition, treatment and analysis- Capacity to focus on the most relevant results- Student’s reaction to the jury members interventions during the presentation

Teaching Staff (2022/2023 )