Olive Orchard Pruning and Training

Name: Olive Orchard Pruning and Training
Code: FIT10133M
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Agronomy

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

To know the fruit set habits in olive tree and typical alternate bearing
- to know the different training systems
- to learn about the compatibility between plant density and training systems
- Understanding the main reasons to pruning olive trees
- Potential and limitations of mechanical pruning in different training systems.
- Observations and in a hight density orchard
- Observations and discussion in a superintensive orchard
- Observations and discussion in a traditional orchard


1- fruit set bearing in olive tree and vegetative growth
2- The different training systems in use
3- Plant density and canopy management
4- Importance of pruning in olives to
5- Mechanical pruning
6- Visit to Hight density olive orchard
7- Visit to superintensive Orchard
8 – Visit to traditional Orchard

Teaching Methods

Theoretical lessons and visits to commercial olive orchards in the region with different training systems, in
order to observe and discuss the techniques of training and pruning. Presentation and discussion of
se4veral papers on different themes in olives training systems in room.
Evaluation is made by one final written test or two smaller written tests and individual performance of
papers presentation.