Sociology of the Development and Colective Action

Name: Sociology of the Development and Colective Action
Code: SOC12048M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Sociology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. Relate the main concepts of the course in order to understand how the dynamic and interactive nature of the
processes of change and development have been achieved in time and space;
2 . Understanding the diversity and mutability of relationships established between the various actors in the
World System, which influence the development of countries and regions;
3 . Critically analyze the strategies and their effectiveness, the contemporary development cooperation;
4 . Describe the principles of a "new strategy for development";
5 . To question the structural aspects of Portuguese society that influences the development process;
6 . Identify and analyze the different types of socio-economic environment in which it can intervene, means and
instruments, agents, capabilities and limitations of intervention to mitigate or resolve problems and harness
the power inherent in different territorial areas.


1. Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Development
1.1.Paradigmas and development models
1.2.Enquadramento the global problem of international, regional and local variations
1.3.Contributos explanatory about the existence of different levels of development
1.4. Collective action for development
2. Development and Globalization
2.1. Determinants of the persistence of asymmetries in the international structure
2.2. Sustainable development policies
2.3. International cooperation for development.
2.4 - Interactions between the local and the global: the perspective of territorial development
3. The Problem of Regional and Local Development
3.1. The theoretical and conceptual framework of regional and local development;
3.2. Regionalization, the municipalist and municipal associations;
3.3. Action strategies and actors in local action system
3.4. Local emerging challenges for regional development and
3.5. The action for development
3.6 Diversity of actors and logics of action

Teaching Methods

Classes are essentially a matter of discussion forum focusing on why the debate and all methods that allow
and encourage the active participation of students. Learning is not only taken by students listening to the
"master " to talk, learning is done simultaneously by students and teachers through the dialogical relationship
between professor and students ( student- teacher) . For this reason, attempts are constantly and encourages
the establishment of a supportive and open exchange of perspectives and experiences among participants
(students) climate .
Moments / evaluation elements: a) Continuous assessment: - 1 Individual work (maximum 25 pages) 80 %; -
Participation in activities. 20%; b ) Evaluation by examination: - 1 Individual assignment 40 % of the final
assessment; - Written Test 1 Final Exam 60% of final assessment.The individual or group work consisting of a
scientific paper on a topic of the current program. Students has 2 evaluation methods and must choose.