Digital Cartography Applied to Geology

Name: Digital Cartography Applied to Geology
Code: GEO13466M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Geology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Digital mapping is the process by which a collection of data is acquired, transformed, analyzed and formatted into a digital image.

Digital mapping applied to geology intends students to present and develop the advanced methods and processes of remote sensing and how their combination with traditional mapping methods allows a better definition of the geological elements.

The main training will include the possibility of producing spatially referenced geological maps that can support the execution of advanced fieldwork or that are syntheses of geological information of a region.

Students are expected to be able to create digital, thematic geological maps and integrate information extracted from aerial, satellite and drone imagery from the information gathered in the field.


1- Formation of geological images (multispectral images, radar, satellites and drones).
2- Software and algorithms of analysis and treatment of images.
3- Extraction of elements of an image (topography, slopes, hillshading).
4- Classification of images with indices and thresholds
5- Extraction of characteristics of an image (supervised and unsupervised methods, introduction to machine learning applied to geological images).
6- Remote information integration (Creation of thematic maps).
7- Crossing geological field information with digital information.

1- Introduction to image processing software.
2- Sources of free and proprietary information.
3- Creation of thematic maps from satellite and drone data.
4- Creation of images from indexes and maps of characteristics.
4- Examples of image classification algorithms applied to geology.
5- Creation of thematic maps.
6- Research project.

Teaching Methods

The teaching will involve theoretical classes, theoretical-practical and laboratory practices.

In the first are provided the principles and methods that will allow to understand the methods of study of geological images and the software available for their interpretation. Special emphasis will be given to the use of free software.

The practical classes will be carried out through a "problem driven" methodology in which real problems will be posed to the students and the students will try to solve them with the methodologies worked in the theoretical and theoretical-practical classes. Whenever possible the teaching will be done in the context of research that is under development in the Department of Geosciences.

The evaluation will have a continuous evaluation component (student involvement and availability, application of acquired knowledge, etc.), complemented by the evaluation of an article written about the case study and its poster presentation.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )