Philosophy for Children

Name: Philosophy for Children
Code: FIL11414M
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Philosophy

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


P4C aims to highlight the need for children to learn to listen and dialogue, addressing themes with meaning in their experiences. There are 2 questions that guide the program: What is Philosophy of Education ?; How is a Philosophy for Children session organized?

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The skills to be acquired are critical, argumentative and performative. It is expected that students develop a critical spirit through questioning and the construction / deconstruction of interpretive and performative positions.

The objectives pursued are:
1. Understand the context of the emergence of Philosophy for Children;
2. Recognize the specificity of the Philosophy for Children practice;
3. Identify issues raised by children;
4. Try planning Philosophy for Children sessions.


1. The emergence of Philosophy for Children: what is Philosophy for Children?
1.1 The recognition of children as rational subjects of action and relationship
1.2 Mathew Lipman's innovative conception (dialogue and research communities with children)
1.3 The alternatives of Thomas Wartenberg and Oscar Brenifier
2. The creation of communities of initiation to the exercise of thinking: How is a Philosophy for Children session prepared?
2.1 The relationship between listening, asking and giving good reasons
2.2 The structure and dynamics of a Philosophy for Children session

Teaching Methods

The contents of the course will be explored in two ways:
1. from the hermeneutic reading of selected texts. The teacher will make short presentations and comments on texts, with the active participation of students and the practice of debate.
2. from the preparatory study for group work with the support of the teacher. Students choose a theme, from which they propose to organize a session with children.

The evaluation proposed for the course will result from the assessment of two works:
1. individual report (IR) of a taught by the teacher (50%);
2. group work (TG) with an oral presentation of a theme framed by the program and chosen by the students (50%).
In case of option for final exam (EF), the evaluation is carried out by individual written test with a total weight of 100%.
The final classification (CF) is represented in the following formulas: 1. CF = IR + TG; 2. CF = EF