Preschool Education and Primary Education

Master Degree

Ano Letivo 2025/2026

Course Overview

The Master's Degree in Pre-school and Primary Education is a professional master's degree, which complements the Basic Education Degree, conferring professional qualification for teaching in Pre-school and in Primary school. The objectives of this master are: To promote the development of teaching competencies according with the general teaching profile (DL 240/2001) and with the specific profiles of the Pre-school teacher and Primary teacher (DL 241 / 2001); To offer a solid education, within different areas of knowledge (e. i.  philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, health) allowing a reflexive and inquiry attitude about the challenges of a changing society, guided by an investigative attitude that contributes to innovation in the field of Pedagogy and educational practice in the early years of school; Provide a solid scientific education in the different areas of knowledge (mathematics, portuguese language, sciences, humanities, artistic expressions) that supports an adequate curricular development in Pre-school and Primary school. The University of Évora offers a rich scientific, cultural and professional environment supported by partnerships with quality education institutions.
Organic Unit: School of Social Sciences
Duration: 4 Semesters/120 ECTS credits (96 required and 24 optional in curricular units)
Language: Portuguese
Regime: Presencial
CNAEF Areas:
  • Training for teachers at basic levels (144)

Career Prospects

Pre-school teacher and Primary teacher (can work in pre-schools, schools and other institutions - municipalities, after-schools activities centers, hospitals, museums, libraries, toy libraries, child support centers, etc.).

Specific Entry Requirements

In order to apply to this Master, you must hold a degree in Basic Education. It is a general condition of entry the oral and written domain of the Portuguese language (cf. Article 10 of Decree-Law 43/2007 of February 22nd). This condition will be certified by the combination of a written test of Portuguese language with an interview. In both the candidate must obtain approval. The written test and the interviewing are compulsory for all, irrespective of their previous training or their professional situation. The application can also be made by submitting a certificate of approval issued by another higher education institution in which the candidate has provided evidence for this same purpose, considering the conditions set forth in Decree-Law 79/2014 of May 14. This written test and interview will take place on April, 2th (1st phase), July, 5th (2nd phase), September, 6th (3rd phase), in a place and time to be announced.

If the degree in Basic Education has not been obtained from a Portuguese Higher Education Institution, the application documents must include a certificate of qualification detailing the credits of each course unit, in order to verify the minimum training credits set for entry to the course, as determined by the Legal Regime of Professional Qualification for Teaching in Pre-school Education and in Basic and Secondary Education (DL 79/2014 of 14th May, in its current version).

Access Routes and Applications

Tuition Fees

Annual Tuition Fees

International Students
2500.00 €

Course Committee

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Contact Information

Director: Conceição Leal da Costa []

Academic Manager: Vitória dos Anjos Bonito Guiomar
Academic Services (online): SAC.ONLINE