Follow-up Seminar and Support for Research I

Name: Follow-up Seminar and Support for Research I
Code: PED12159M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Education Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


This is a curricular unit to share, among students and potential dissertation supervisors, the construction of dissertation/intervention projects.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

O1. To improve knowledge and critical understanding on theoretical and methodological frameworks of the Educational Sciences and its application in different research/intervention settings
O2. To devise innovative research projects that make the problems and the research/intervention questions operational, combining theoretical and methodological knowledge
O3. To select, adapt and operate technical procedures for collecting, processing and analyzing empirical data suitable for the research/intervention problems addressed
O4. To argue and discuss critical judgments about each research/intervention work and about the work of others, including its ethical and social implications


The curricular plan is not closed since this is a training and discussion seminar opened to the diversity, interests and needs of the students’ individual projects in view of the lines of research/intervention to which they belong. Content is continuously updated and is organized along the following lines:
1. Review and critical discussion of the general research methods and its suitability to the research/intervention issues
2. Identification and discussion of research/intervention problems in education
3. Deepening of specific data collection and processing instruments and their suitability with the nature of the objects and the research/intervention problems
4. Designing research/intervention projects

Teaching Methods

Classes take place with students and advisors, for epistemological and methodological discussion of the construction of dissertation projects (PD)/Internship Projects (IP). In classes there will be a tutorial monitoring and discussion, individually or in small groups, on the evolution of problems and research/interventions questions to consider in the PD/IP. At the end of the semester there is a presentation and discussion of each of the elaborated PD/IP. This methodology favors the active role of the student in building his learning process and his autonomy.
Assessment focuses on the ability to argue(CA) in the defense of the PD/IP design (during classes) (60%) and the scientific quality(QCP) of that same PD(written document) (40%). The evaluation is shared between the head of the UC and the supervisors of the dissertations/internship, based on the following criteria: Clarity and language; Organization and depth; Diversity; Originality; Knowledge.
Final Classification=(6*CA+4*QCP)/10

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )