Medieval Arabic and Islamic Techniques

Name: Medieval Arabic and Islamic Techniques
Code: HIS11047M
Duration: 15 weeks/130 hours
Scientific Area: History

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


This discipline proposes the analysis of techniques in the medieval Arab-Islamic world, from a perspective of porosity and interactions in the Mediterranean world.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

To locate, in time and space, the medieval Arabic-Islamic world; to contextualize the theoretical discussions on the Arabic-Islamic contributions to the West; to understand the dissemination of technical contributions and the main aspects of the technological developments; to understand the work conditions and the main protagonists.
To develop capacities of critical analysis; to master a specific vocabulary; to acquire knowledge in the Arabic-Islamic technology; to develop autonomous work in this specific area.


Introduction - The historical context. Islam in the Middle Ages: a general perspective
1.The culture in Islam
1.1. The Muslim history and the West, "a forgotten inheritance "?
1.2. Islam and the assimilation of knowledge: from translation to production
2.Islam and techniques
2.1. The water
2.1.1. The water on religion and Islamic law
2.1.2. The water and cities
2.1.3. Water and agriculture
2.1.4. The sea, ships and navigational instruments
2.2. The fire
2.2.1. Alchemy and chemical technology-Jabir b. Hayan (Geber) between myth and History
2.2.2. Glass and ceramics
2.2.3 Metallurgy and military techniques
2.3. The earth
2.3.1. The construction techniques
3. The protagonists
3.1. Craftsmen and cities: social status, organization and quality control (hisba)
3.2. A rediscovered inventor: Al-Jazari (1136-1206)

Teaching Methods

Active methodology centered on the work of the students, to whom will be available the materials and a bibliography that will enable them to research autonomously. The evaluation will consist in a paper on a specific theme, whose objectives, methodology and planning will be worked with the teachers .

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )