Industrial Heritage and design

Name: Industrial Heritage and design
Code: HIS11037M
Duration: 15 weeks/130 hours
Scientific Area: Património Industrial

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This seminar shows how the value of industrial heritage is not only strictly linked to the architectural and
urban design, but also to cultural, economic, entrepreneurial projects; also provides a repertoire of “good
practices” to develop an urban and architectural design attentive to industrial heritage values and open to
other subjects.


1. Value of industrial heritage linked to the architectural and urban design
2. Value of industrial heritage linked to cultural, economic, entrepreneurial projects
3. Repertoire of “good practices” to develop projects

Teaching Methods

This seminar incorporates a variety of instructional methods:
1. Student-centered discussions;
2. Study visits;
3. Case-studies;

For their assessment, students will analyze case studies.