Town and industry

Name: Town and industry
Code: HIS11036M
Duration: 15 weeks/130 hours
Scientific Area: History

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This seminar examines the impact of old, or recent, production activities in different urban and territorial contexts, pre-existing or originally created (such as company towns), with special attention to cultural and economic issues of industrial areas as "point d'ancrage of modernity"


The is divided into two parts: the first and main one is concerning the building context, whereas the second and shorter part will be related to the urban context.
First introducing main building materials in their practical application, lectures are intended to draw out a panorama of what has been realized both in a local and in an international context. Such a kind of comparison will permit to outline critical frameworks in terms of chronology, diffusion of models, reciprocal relationship between building and industry, architecture and civil engineering. In second part of the programme, stress will be put upon the problem of mass production in its reflection not only on building process, but also on architecture and applied arts. A particular attention will be given importance to relations between the "Company towns' and cities.

Teaching Methods

The work has been divided into different activities: lessons, reading seminars, visits to the sites. What students must do for the final evaluation is to work out a paper on a specific subject related to contents