Aesthetics and Techniques of Handicrafts and Industrial Objects

Name: Aesthetics and Techniques of Handicrafts and Industrial Objects
Code: HIS11006M
Duration: 15 weeks/130 hours
Scientific Area: History

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This seminar aims to make an approach to crafts and industrial objects production techniques',and understand the way as the materials used in that objects influenced aesthetics.This will be achieved by the study of historical evolution of the relationship between technology and aesthetics, namely through the evolution of materials and the modification of forms;the standardization of industrial objects;the design origins;the new objects connected to the mechanization of life; the evolution of artistic conceptions and its influence on industrial objects,the different forms of representing industrial objects;heritage evaluation applied to materials and to crafts and industrial objects;the museums connected to this objects.The purpose is to develop a critical study and the capacity of understand the links between aesthetic and technique.Also students will have the capacity to identify the historical and heritage value of crafts and industrial objects,many of which are part of modern life.


1 - From materials to objects: Different materials and different objects shapes; The materials of contemporary society and objects new forms.
2 - The evolution of objects: handicraft and industrial production.
3. - From design to design: The design and technical expertise; Design and aesthetics of objects; The origins of the design and its evolution: The domestic space rationalization; The objects of everyday life-utility and aesthetics.
5 - The evolution of art concepts and its influence on industrial objects: The movements' Arts and Crafts" and Art Nouveau; The line geometry and the "industrial form ': Futurism, Constructivism, De Stijl and the Bauhaus spirit.
6 - The artistic representations of industry: painting, architecture and ceramics.
7 - The function of the iconoclastic industrial objects: Dada and Pop Art
8 - The equity value of materials and crafts and industries: The museums; The industry objects in art museums; The Exhibitions.

Teaching Methods

Sessions in classroom : Visioning images and analyzing texts
Study visit to the Design Museum of Lisbon and discussion of the report of the study visit (21reports)
Final paper
The evaluation consider: the participation of the discussions (30%); the study visits reports (20%) the final paper (50%)