Vulnerable Populations

Name: Vulnerable Populations
Code: SOC13719D
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Sociology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


The UC aims to analyse and discuss the concept of health vulnerability, in the identification and characterization of vulnerability factors of specific groups and accessibility to health care in vulnerable populations.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- Analyze and discuss the concept of health vulnerability
- Identify and characterize vulnerability factors of specific groups
- Analyse acessibulity to health care in vulnerable populations
- Discuss strategies to reduce inequalities in vulnerable populations
- Reflect on the impact of health literacy on vulnerable populations


- Health vulnerability: conceptual issues
- Vulnerability and social determinants of health
- The health of vulnerable populations: equity and accessibility
- Literacy and health inequalities in situations of vulnerability
- health Literacy action plan for vulnerable groups/ populations

Teaching Methods

The teaching methodologies focus on the master and debate sessions guided/moderated by the teacher. In the teaching of the planned program, pedagogical strategies will be selected to stimulate the acquisition of knowledge and skills by the students, making them co-responsible for the teaching-learning process, based on research, reflection, critical questioning and continuous analysis, properly oriented and framed in the teaching and tutorial sessions.
The evaluation will be continuous through group and individual work (50/50) and will include the active participation of the student.
Tutorial guidance will be managed in person or remotely, individually or in groups. The material is placed on the Moodle platform: thematic in PowerPoint, video, exercise documents, articles to support materials.