
Name: Bioethics
Code: ENF13725D
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Philosophy

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


The Curricular Unit of Bioethics’ main learning outcomes are the essencial knowledge of the major problems of Bioethics and the Ethical standards of conduct as applied to the practice of the health professions.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The Curricular Unit of Bioethics’ main learning outcomes are the essencial knowledge of the major problems of Bioethics and the Ethical standards of conduct as applied to the practice of the health professions and of the fundamental framework of the health professions within the rules, regulations and legal requirements involved in Professional Liability (Civil, Criminal and Disciplinary). It is intended to provide and put into practice the set of tools necessary for the analysis of dilemmatic situations, with deontological, ethical and /or legal implications, that the helath professional may encounter in his/her daily professional activities.


I - Introduction to Bioethics, Deontology and Law: Fundamental Principles of Bioethics; Overview of the Code of Ethics of the several Health Professional Association; Health Professional Liability (Civil, Criminal and Disciplinary).
II – Lectures and case studies with dilemmatic situations on major ethical and legal issues of contemporary practice of health professions, including: the duties of health professionals, informed consent, professional secrecy (confidentiality), the expert in health, errors in health care and patient safety, emergency, the revelation of truth, the patient in jail, gene therapy, embryo's rights, abortion, euthanasia, dysthanasia, medically assisted reproduction, sterilization, transplantation, the advance directives and clinical research (using the TRREE e-learning platform).

Teaching Methods

Lectures and tutorial orientation classes for the presentation and discussion of cases with real dilemmatic situations.
The students’ assessment will result from the sum of two elements:
1) Exam with multiple choice questions (80% of the final grade).
2) Sending in the two certificates of completion of Module 1 (Introduction to Research) and Module 2.1 (Ethical Evaluation of Research) on the TRREE e-learning website (http://elearning.trree.org/) (20% of the final grade).